Working on Getting Caught Up

So I’ve been far behind in my homework for a few weeks, and the end of this marking period is on the 9th. I have 10 hours worth of Chemistry, 8 hours worth of Civics/Government, and 4 hours worth of ELA. However, my teacher came up with a plan for me to finish on time! I will be doing 6 things in each subject a day. That will make it so I can get Chemistry and Civics/Government done on the 9th. My ELA class goes all semester long and will end May 28th (my graduation day).

I’m almost done with the 6 things in Chemistry for the day, and if I get ELA and Civics/Government done for the day early, I’ll do maybe about 3 more things done in each subject, to give myself maybe a bit of a break day, or half-day.

I’m really excited about this plan because I’ve been stressed about being so far behind but not having the will-power or motivation to just work on homework and not get distracted.


Hey Alex,

I’m glad to hear about this teacher! Seriously, they sound really invested and just a good person. That plan seems very well thought as well and it’s so good to hear that it helps you to ease your fears. There’s always something stressful in seeing a marking period approaching, so it can be tempting to run and hide away, but you got this friend. You got this. I believe in you. :hrtlegolove:

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