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Belongs to: Therapist gets Sober by Tool
Wow this was awesome. I have a addiction for smoking cigarettes. I have tried in the past and for I think 1000th time now I am back into its addiction. Anyways I am looking for to being sober again. But man it requires a lot of determination to overcome the shadow. Thank you for your reaction video. This is pure gold
I’m super proud of you trying to be sober. Being sober is hard and takes a long time for habit. I messed up when I was addicted to alcohol. Now, I have been sober for 4-5 months. I always reward myself each month for being sober. My dad’s family have a smoking addiction and I can’t force others to stop smoking. They finally did stop smoking when one of my uncles have a lung problem.
Hey friend, thank you so much for opening up here. Quitting smoking is definitely a real challenge, and it takes a ton of determination to break free from the cycle of addiction. It’s frustrating when you find yourself back in its grip through relapses, especially after putting in so much effort to break free beforehand.
You know, the determination you’re showing is inspiring in many ways. It’s not easy to keep picking yourself up after each setback, but here you are, ready to tackle it again. You’re standing up for yourself, you are trying. It’s like facing a mountain, knowing that reaching the top is tough, but still believing in your ability to climb it. You are doing brilliantly, and you ARE going to get to the top. This is such a powerful goal but to want to be sober again and put your well-being first. Even though it’s tough right now, every step you take toward sobriety is a step toward a healthier, happier you.
You’ve got the determination and strength to overcome this shadow. We believe in you, friend. We’re all cheering on you.