You can have a 1000 people around you and feel alo

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
You can have a 1000 people around you, and feel alone. I feel alone no matter how many people walk into my life every day. I love this song. It is the best description about how I feel inside. The burden of depresion is so heavy, and I can not get out of this damn circle! And I crawe for a human touch!

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Hi friend,
I’ve been there. I hear you. Sending you some love and a hug. I know it’s not the same as a real one. I think a lot of us feel the same way. Thanks for speaking up.
With love,

It’s so easy to feel alone in the middle of a crowd. In the middle of the busy chaos that surrounds day to day life, it can feel like you’re unseen. Everyone is stuck and focused on their world around them and sometimes it’s just the feeling of missing basic human connection.

Sometimes all it takes is one person to reach out and pause to listen and engage. It’s amazing how music can bridge this gap between humans. We realise we aren’t the only ones who feel the heaviness of life crashing on us and that so many people come together to connect to it.

I think we are all people who desire a genuine connection and have this need to feel seen and heard. Being isolated and alone is something that is overwhelming. Being alone with thoughts and voices that judge us and put us in a darkness is so heavy to break from.

I want to take the time to encourage you that you aren’t alone. Whether it’s this community or the one closer around you. You are seen in the space you are in. Your voice is heard through the crowd

Hey there!

I 1000% percent knows how this feels, im going through the same thing, ive been dealing with some very heavy emotions myself, and i tried explaining to my parents and i got the exact opposite of qhat i needed, ive been listening to Shattered Glass by Fit For a King and learning it on my guitar as well, but i know how youre feeling, keep your head up and dont lose sight of yourself, every storm passes, you got this!

hi friend,

thank you for speaking out. your feelings are valid, and it’s important to take steps, however small, towards finding a way to ease that burden. I hope you know that you are not alone in this. depression can feel all consuming in its nature but there is a way out. reaching out for support is a great step.

sending love,

Hi there friend,

I just want to say thank you for being open and honest about your feelings, it can be so difficult to do so. We live in such an interesting time when we can feel so close to people through technology yet so far. But I want you to know that we are here for you at heart support. Please feel free to reach out at any time. We are here to help and connect, and please keep the tunes going!

Much love,