Empty depression pit

it’s one of those days. ends up not being productive when you have a million things to do. when you feel like you have a hole in your chest and your heart and mind are a million miles away. hopefully when i wake up tomorrow i will be better. but right now just hurts so painfully bad. i found out my cousin got put on suicide watch (im going to tell him about hs when i can), school is better but i am perpetually stressed, and it feels like everything is terrible even though there aren’t actually a million terrible things going on in my life for once. sorry if this doesn’t make any sense. everything just hurts so terribly bad right now and all i can do is lay in bed and wait for the pain to go away.

current soundtrack: Looking for Heaven by Tonight Alive

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Thank you for being so honest. It is good that your cousin has you to point him to hs. When you feel that tornado of thoughts, just keep breathing as deeply as you can to dissipate the confusion and anxiety. There is very little in this world that anyone can control! Shift your mind to focus of breathing and passing through whatever comes with power! God is with you and moves through you. Breathe deeply and ask him to carry you and to sort things out. You do not have to be the one with all the answers or best guesses. You just need the resolve to keep moving forward and passing through what troubles you. The best is yet to come.

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Thank you @sophicspider for sharing what all is going on. When I feel like nothing is going my way and I just want to breath for a second I pray and just be still. Thank you for sharing your pain and struggle. You are loved.
I will def be praying for your Cousin. \

Hold Fast.

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Many times I’ve have been overwhelmed with life about little things or “nothing” at all and sometimes it’s okay to just stop everything and give yourself some you time and wrap your head around things. After calmed down I think to myself “okay I got this let’s take all of this slowly and one step at a time”
Hold fast friend :heart:

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@sophicspider We love you friend. Hold Fast.


thank you all :heart: I’m feeling better now but I know it will take a lot of work to do my work and (ironically) to learn how to rest. Im so thankful I have a community that’s got my back