It's been a while... and I'm feeling really hurt and stuck

Hi guys,

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been on the wall or on discord and stuff. I apologize for that every time, but I really do mean it. Life gets in the way sometimes and I have no idea where the time goes ): Just been spending time figuring some things out (work, school, etc.)

I guess I’ve just been feeling really stuck the last few days… my girlfriend and I are doing really well, but of course, long distance can be difficult to manage and can cause a fair bit of heartache. Due to my past, unhealthy relationship that I’m currently working through with my therapist, I’m learning I still have a lot of problems trusting that people are not manipulating me, and as I’m working on using the agency I have for decision-making, it is as freeing as it can be difficult for my mind to not be “suspicious”, even when it’s someone I would trust my life with, like my girlfriend. Just using the word suspicious breaks my heart, and she’s honestly been here for me the whole time, so I have no idea where this notion is coming from. I hate that my mind projects my ex’s actions on this wonderful, amazing human in my life, and I don’t know how to stop it. She and I both deserve better.

It’s so frustrating and it’s not good for me, for her, or our relationship; it literally triggers depression and anxiety. I’m just wondering if anybody might have some advice with coping methods/how to grow from this, and how I can continue to communicate with my girlfriend in healthy and productive way? I just want these past wounds to heal so I can move on, and it’s a lot more difficult and cyclical than I thought.

Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate you all.
I’m sorry again I haven’t really been around. I’ll do my best to change things up for the summer so I can be here more often.


Hey Alex!
Thanks for reaching out again, I understand it has been a while but it takes just as much to recognize that you need to take time for yourself as it does being active on platforms such as this and Twitch. It’s 100% okay to not feel okay and I can promise you that things will get better. As for communicating with your girlfriend, all I can emphasize is to share what you feel comfortable with and just make sure you both are aware of what’s going on. I would recommend against keeping these feelings away from her just so there won’t be as much space for miscommunication but it’s your choice and whatever you chose to do, have confidence in it and trust that you made the right decision because in the end, you are what matters the most.

As for coping methods, therapy is always a good option for me and in addition to that, making sure that you have other people to talk to to help you work through these tough times or at least someone, like your girlfriend to talk about other things. I hope this offers another perspective and if you need anything at all know that I and the rest of this community is here for you!

Hold fast friend <3

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Hi Sofie,

My apologies for the belated response. Thank you so much for your advice and kindness. I am definitely trying to keep an open avenue and straight-forward communication with her. I’m going to keep working on myself and continue to learn how to cope… probably keep with therapy as well.

I’m so thankful for this community and people like you. Honestly, thank you.

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Hey Alex!
That sounds great! Remember to take things one step at a time and know that we will always be here for you. Please reach out whenever you need anything!

Stay Strong Friend and Hold Fast <3

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