My ex outed me publicly when we broke up, parents kicked me out

My ex and I were both in the closet and dated for about two and a half years. He was very physically abusive and I never looked for anyone else because I didn’t want to out myself because I was still living with my parents at the time. When I finally did work up the courage to break up with him he outed me on Facebook and called my parents to tell them the news, and they kicked me out. I’m financially set to pay rent at my friend’s place for a few months, but I need to find another job and my parents won’t let me back into the house to pick up any of my clothes or other shit, so I’m stuck in just the shit i was wearing at the time. What do I do?

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I’m so sorry about your break up. ): It sounds like it was needed if he was being physical with you.

Is there a reason why you guys were so private about your relationship for so long? Did people not approve of you guys being together? I guess I’m not understanding why your parents kicked you out.

That sounds so difficult. I can only imagine. I’m sorry you are going through such a hard time. I hope that you are able to find someone safe that you can stay with until you get your footing. But I’m glad that you got out of an abusive relationship!

Sending you a lot of love right now.

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had to keep things private because we live in a pretty homophobic area. In the past my dad’s called me a faggot for dying my hair, so i wanted to keep the dick-sucking on the down-low.

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Aaah, that makes sense. Dang! I’m so sorry! My mother was very homophobic as well. So I understand. She’s exchanged some pretty hateful and cruel words to me and still uses remarks like “She’s slept with a woman!” against me like it should be shamed.

It’s so sad that our own family cannot learn to love us for who we are. Especially parents.

I hope that you will be able to surround yourself with better people who are willing to love and accept you for everything that you are. Inside and out. I’ve had to find family within close friends because my blood family is so hurtful and spiteful.

You have a friend here. :heart:


I’m sorry all of that happened to you.

I’m struggling with my sexuality. It has been a source of trouble for me for all my life. I want to be authentic but I am afraid of doing so. In order to be my authentic self, eventually my family will have to know, and I know I will be disowned for it. But my need to be real has gotten stronger over time, and eventually it will be so great that I will be pushed to make a decision.

I hope your relationship with your family mends itself. Time is a great healer. On the positive side, you are able to be yourself because everyone knows who you are. Thank you for sharing your experience. I wish you success.

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Hi, Judo,

I hope for you that you will be able to live being who you want to be proudly and loudly! I hope that even if some people will not love and accept you that you will find friends and people who will love you for all that you are and support you. I hope for you that you will find happiness and fulfillment in your life and who you want to be.

Know that here, we will love you and care for you. Be a support for you.

You are important and valued and deserve to express yourself comfortably and freely. Not forced into hiding.

Much love to you. :heart: