Panicking and venting

Ugh im a bit suicidal here, so just…i warned you, ok?
You dont have to say an advice, or something like that, i…just dont take your time on this, i need to vent and thats all

My sister finally has been taken to hospital, and after that my parents, who were yelling at me before, now started just to ruin my life. I’m suffering right now with an annoying headache, and having a panic attack. They don’t even see that I’m not good rn. They just yell, say that i am the worst child ever, the world haven’t seen such a bad guy. I try to defend myself, but ugh, i just becoming like them, rude person who is shouting at all. I even judge my sister, for being dumb, and i hate it. I hate i became like them. I didn’t do homework for 2 weeks, because I just can’t. I will probably get yelled at school. I’m being a useless bag for too much, I just want to end it all so I could make every person in real life happier.
Cute that my parents are not giving me a chance to talk in internet (because of the parental control on my phone, and they took my laptop), so I could talk to my friends and feel better. But i can’t. I’m sorry for venting here, honestly, I hate that it’s the only thing I can do, I’m really sorry
I hope i wont, but at the same time i wish that i could overdose myself with medicine against headaches
Thanks for reading, sorry for my bad English, im not fluent


Hey @Oya_Zumi,

I’m so incredibly sorry you’re going through all that. Don’t ever be sorry for posting! Speaking out and letting your feelings out is a GREAT and admirable step. Remember, your feelings are 100% valid. You’re facing a very tough situation with your sister’s hospitalization, your parents’ anger, your own emotional struggles, and feeling trapped. All of this can cause immense pain, and it’s absolutely natural to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Please don’t judge yourself for your feelings.

The idea that you need to end your life to make others happy is a dangerous thought born from desperation. Your life is precious, and you are not responsible for the problems or negative emotions of others, even those closest to you. Please understand that you are not a “useless bag.” You’re a person in pain who needs support that you are not getting right now.

Do you have any trusted adult in your life – a relative, teacher, counselor, neighbor – anyone who can support you? If possible, talk to someone you trust about the way you’re feeling right now, and ask them to help you get professional help. If you can, try to find a few minutes alone where you can take deep breaths. Focus on the feeling of air going in and out of your lungs and try to calm your panic attack. This won’t solve everything, but it might help manage the immediate overwhelm.

When your parents are yelling, it’s incredibly difficult not to react. However, getting into arguments will likely make things worse. If you can, try to remove yourself from the situation until things calm down. Tell a trusted adult what’s happening at home. They might be able to intervene or give you advice on how to manage the situation.

And remember, It’s okay to vent! Venting your feelings can be a way to express and start to process your emotions. Please don’t apologize. You have a right to be heard.

Please remember: this situation is temporary, even though it might feel endless right now. Help exists, and you deserve to feel better.


Hi there,

I am so sorry that you are going through such a difficult time right now. It sounds overwhelming and lonely to feel this way because of your parents, but, please know that your feelings ARE valid! Parents can be difficult at times and make us feel misunderstood, which I completely understand.

Even though it may feel like you are alone, there are people who can help you through this. If possible, try to find a trusted adult to reach out to, or professional support such as helplines, etc. But, make sure to take care of yourself, and remember that things will get better, even if it does not feel that way right now.

You are an important, valued person and I believe in you. This situation is only temporary. Keep going <3


Hey Oya_Zumi, I am truly sorry to hear that you are going through so much, I want you to know that you are not a bad guy and that you have the potential to become whoever you want to be. Although things may seem difficult now, it is important that you know that there are so many amazing things waiting ahead for you. Oya_Zumi remember that you are not alone in your struggle!


Thank you for sharing,

Im sorry that you have to go through such a crough childhood with parents that dont realize their own faults and defects.

Dont be sorry for venting we are all here to help one another.

I hope u find the peace you need
You have a voice to speak about your feelings.

I understand you are in a difficult situation with your parents and sibling hospitalization. Just know by ending to maken others happy wont do any good. Love your self
Even though how hard your emotional struggles are in the way.

Is okay not to be okay…

Have a bless day


Thank you so much guys. Honestly, i have no idea how to express my feelings to you, too tired, but just get that im grateful that you replied at my…post