Scared of Growing Up

So… I am a senior in high school, have ASD, anxiety, depression, and don’t really want to grow up. I don’t know if this is even a serious issue. I just don’t really know what to do next. I mean, I know that I’m going to start college this next fall, but I really don’t know if I’m ready, or if I can do it. I know that this is kind of a sap story, but it’s what I’m going through. I just would like some advice on what I should do to prepare myself. My therapist has set me up with a social worker to set goals… What does that even mean? My therapist made it sound like she was actually going to help me learn some life skills that I’d need. I know that I should give her a chance, but again, I’m sort of scared. What if she doesn’t do what I thought she would do?

My goodness, this is frustrating.


Hey, first I want to say thank you for sharing this. You might think it’s not a “serious issue” or that it is somehow not as important as other people’s struggles, but it is.

As far as not getting what you wanted out of therapy, that could be one of two things (at least from my experience). Sometimes the relationship doesn’t work or they just don’t fit with your needs, whether it’s their style or something else. In that case, I’d suggest just trying someone else even once. Starting college is a perfect time to do that, especially as free (not really free but you know what I mean) counseling is included in the price of tuition. I have recently started taking advantage of this and I highly recommend it. The second issue you could run into – again, from my experience – is not letting yourself open up. Sometimes it is very uncomfortable, and if the relationship isn’t right it will be too hard to do, which goes back to my first point. But if you can be 100% open with them about everything, it will help tremendously and you will get so much more out of it.

As far as college in general and not feeling ready, I want to hammer in one truth. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Nobody is ready for college, and if they tell you they are then they are either lying or misinformed. Same goes for other big transitions. No one ever gets to a point when they are “ready” to get married, to have kids, to change career paths, etc. It’s scary, but you just have to go for it. Try not to overwhelm yourself with the idea of not being ready, because you’re definitely not alone, and it’s okay. I’m sure you could look up stats on this, but a huge chunk of college students change their major or path multiple times throughout their college career. I have serious doubts about my path and actively want to do something different probably at least once a month, and I’m going into my Junior year next fall. It’s okay. I know it’s unhelpful to say “just don’t be worried,” but try to kind of convince yourself that it’s totally okay to be anxious about it, to not know what to expect, and all that good stuff.

Bottom line is you’re not alone. Please reach out to this wonderful community again if you need encouragement, support, or advice, but I really believe you’re going to be okay. I know it’s stressful, but you are more than strong enough.

Hold fast,

I can relate, you want to be a kid forever but life is pulling you in another direction. The best thing that someone said to me is that growing old is mandatory but grouping up is optional. You can still be into the things that you are into and be goofy with your friends no one said you have to outgrow that. When I am at my job I have to be professional because my job requires it (Although when working with kids I am silly with them because they are scared and need to know that they will be okay.) When I am not at work, I am goofy, immature and kid around with people because that is my personality. If you can find that balance it will be okay. Just because you are growing up doesn’t mean you have to stop being who you are but rather balancing between everything. You are still you no matter what.

I was in your shoes not too long ago… I graduated high school last year and let me tell you, I was super scared and didn’t want it to end. Maybe because it was a major part of my routine, I’m not sure… I started college literally after I graduated so I only had 2-4 weeks of summer vacation :joy:
I felt I wasn’t ready either, but then once I adapted and became more comfortable, it went by really fast and I felt better about everything and less anxious. Give yourself time to adjust to college… Change is never an easy thing to deal with, especially with anxiety and depression.
My advice to you is to take it all day by day and one step at a time. You’ll be okay :heart:

Hey @kendria777 - Growing up can be exciting! There’s something special about beginning to develop independence. Sometimes it can be rocky, but you’ll always learn from your mistakes, and once you do, you’ll see your future become clearer and clearer. College can be scary at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll find that it isn’t too bad at all. :slight_smile:


Thank you for talking about this, We often dont discuss fear of the future.

It is A-OK to not have life figured out. Im not sure we ever “figure it out”

Here is what we said


Just trust the experience and professionalism of your therapist. Cooperate and see how it goes.

Thanks to everyone who responded!!! That does make me feel a bit better! :smile: