What the hell is wrong with me

… I am not okay
I may never be okay
This is not okay
Help… Isn’t coming

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Hey there,

Could you tell us a little bit about what’s been going on?

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You are broken
You are hurt
But you don’t have to stay that way.
There is hope
There is help

Like Hannah said, what is going on to make you feel this way?

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Do you feel comfortable sharing your problems with this community?

A few months ago I tried to take my life. Ever since I have just been feeling like there is no room for me anywhere. And have been thinking about trying again, I am doing my best to not but it looms over my head that it might not get better. The people around me don’t understand the fight inside and how hard it is to keep fighting. I’ve started counseling and have tried going to hang out with people but It doesn’t change the fact that I am crippled inside and have a hard time being truly happy that I’m alive or even happy on the outside. One of my close friends that I recently tried to reach out to brought up the old story of two wolves in a man’s heart and the one you feed will win, I tried to tell her you don’t always have a choice in what one eats. They then told me that its winning because I feed it. That makes me feel like its my fault that I’m depressed and that its my fault that I have a hard time being happy. Sorry that was so long

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It’s not long. I’m glad you share it. Depression is a punk! I dealt with it too, but not in the same way as you. It’s not your fault. It’s okay to not to be okay. You are the only one who can get better for yourself. No can’t do it for you. Not even me. I don’t know your inner battles. The only thing I know is that you are not alone. This community is here with you and for you. You are loved. Don’t give into the darkness. Don’t go to the suicide route. It’s not worth it. Your life is worth living for. Don’t give up. Keep fighting. God bless you.

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Thank you. Really. I’m trying my hardest. I really am, but its hard not to give in I know its harder to commit but after everything and realizing everything it seems so easy. My wife committed a few years ago and I buried it for awhile but its coming out now and I hate it I hate me

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I’m sorry to hear about your wife. :slightly_frowning_face:

Thank you… I think? I don’t know how to properly respond to a statement like that. I’m sorry

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It’s okay.

There are fundamental steps in life my friend that need effort

We all have weaknesses in life either it’s maintaining a job or being social.
Or maintaining a relationship ect…ect

Nobody should cut themselves short

Hey @Coyoteryder, if you want this artwork that I made while talking about your topic please email me: [email protected]. Hold Fast.


This crushed me and made me cry, (not in a bad way) the fact that you took the time out of your day out of your life to do something like this for somebody like me. I can’t even begin to express the emotion that’s overwhelming me right now but I can tell you its almost crippling and making me want to lay on the ground. You are the greatest person thank you.