11-18-thank-you-so-much-i-m-going-through-a-painfu - 1698

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11:18 thank you so much. I’m going through a painful breakup right now. Im going to use the tip about naming my inner critic. It’s so hard because his voice sounds so much like my own and he knows me so well, of course he does, he’s lived in my head since I was a teenager. Thank you.


Hey Friend, I think that is such a wonderful idea and I am so pleased that you have made that leap, it is hard but its a huge movement towards taking control of what that voice wants to say. Good luck. x


I’m sorry that you’re going thru a painful breakup, that sucks. I’m glad you’re using the tip and naming your inner critic, that’s really great because it’s such a valuable coping skill. You don’t have believe what your inner critic tells you, but that isn’t an easy thing to do. I hope this helps you, thank you for your comment and you matter!


Thank you so much for being real. I’m so sorry to hear that you are going through a breakup. That is one of the worst times for hearing our inner critic let loose on us. It seems to want to tell us about every mistake, wrong word, bad attitude and any other thing we may have done less than perfectly. I love that you are going to name your inner critic and deal with him.

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Hello! Im lili ill be tslking to u today! Yup and js know that u ar not alone and if u needah talk to sum1 the heartsupport people are always available one of us wil try to get to as fast as possible! :+1:t3:

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It’s nice to hear how this video contributes to bring you a practical tool to use when you find this inner voice being unkind to you. As you are going through a tough situation, navigating this painful loss, I truly hope that you can cultivate as much patience and grace as possible with yourself. Sometimes your heart is going to feel a way you don’t even want to have to deal with, although any emotion you are feeling/are going to feel have a reason to be. It’s a good outlet but to learn to create some distance with the harsh criticism in our mind that just keeps ongoing. By seeing it for what it is, a part of you/of your story, but not something that has to define you, you create space for a much kind voice to exist. Learning to be our very own supporter and friend can be challenging and feels conflicting at times, although it is surely a strength to cultivate as much as possible. During this time of high vulnerability, I believe you can separate more and more the inner voices that serve you from the ones that don’t. You truly deserve as much care and kindness as possible. You matter and are enough just as you are.