2020 i develop ms then my dad dies my best friend

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2020 I develop MS then my dad dies my best friend dies. The MS is so painful and depressing I had to stop being a massage therapist, something I did to fix my life the 2020 happened 97%of my body has gone numb and any time I try to reach out I get not much if any my heart is broken and I do feel the anger towards the cause of my MS I know this is mashed up I can not break the depression I try to act above the depression but I am alone in my head😢 heart support

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Hey, I am so sorry you are going through all this. Here is a video reply https://www.loom.com/share/c8c82e4624664dd88d2ce6764cc5ef2c?sid=fa876e73-81fd-4cf5-b380-5dfe34e5bd9b