HeartSupport_Fans Content #532

This topic is from INSTAGRAM where users are encouraged to comment about their mental health struggles.

  • If someone tags @heartsupport in a comment it becomes a topic here on the forum.
  • If they don’t it’ll be a comment on this topic.
  • Moderators can flag:ignore non @heartsupport comments to create a new topic if needed.

View media here: https://video.cdninstagram.com/v/t50.33967-16/329626028_636632055134101_1614802625358910347_n.mp4?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8ae9d6&_nc_ohc=t2i0Y8HdbaMAX_B5Sks&_nc_ht=video.cdninstagram.com&edm=AL-3X8kEAAAA&oh=00_AfAJFRl18x3uQeUn91ERRwdCJmDrmZ6vg2RfEk7NsWCXKg&oe=63E1FE5B

@theseshadowsdread this is for you. Thanks for sharing your struggle with us.

Can anyone relate to this feeling? If you can tag @heartsupport and share in the comments and we’ll reply!

depression is like a bottomless pit. you’re clinging onto little cracks on the wall from the inside but you’re barely holding your grip. therapy is like a rope that’s thrown at you, to grasp something you can be assured if u just reach out you have the chance to get out.

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What a perfectly fitting description of depressions. And yes, with help you can climb back out of there again. You are worth it.

Awww thank you. It means a lot. :heart:

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