4 52 this is me every day my life 24 7

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Belongs to: BMTH - Can You Feel My Heart - Therapist Reacts
4:52 this is me EVERY DAY :cry:MY LIFE 24/7


Feel free to share more if you are ever want/need. It might be hard to share, but I think that for that same reason. It can feel very good to let it all out. <3

Feeling this with you, friend, and I’m sorry that this sense of isolation is being a part of your life. It is absolutely horrendous to somehow crave for connection, to know intimately that it would help us breathe, but at the same time to feel completely paralyzed in a place of stillness and reclusion. It feels like such a deep contradiction and as if a powerful battle was at play within, constantly. While deep inside you only want peace of mind and peace of heart, you are dealth with experiencing this gut-wrenching feeling of being alone and beyond help, beyond saving. It is so hard to ask for help when we’re at our lowest, and it takes such a tremendous amount of energy to walk towards others under such circumstances, to walk through the fear that pain creates, through the rain of lies that we tell ourselves over and over in order to not reach out and stay on our own. The fear of being a burden, of being misunderstood, of being judged, of being hurt again, of being rejected, of having to hold on to false expectations, of being disappointed… it’s overwhelming to be in this position of having to take a leap and say “I’m not okay” to the people who could bring us some support.

For what it’s worth from a stranger, I am right now deeply PROUD of you for sharing this here. Even without any context regarding your personal story, just the fact that you recognize something you relate to, and share it with strangers who have your best interests in mind is absolutely strong. You are courageous my friend for expressing how parts of this video and analysis resonate with your heart. Through this utter despair and isolation that suicidal thoughts and pain create, I can assure you that you are not alone and I see you right now as much as I hear you. Our stories are unique, but somehow there is comfort to find in knowing that in the midst of what feels like the deepest sense of isolation possible, there are people out there who feel or felt the same way, and understand all that it implies, without any judgment. You are courageous for being here, for sharing your voice and for somehow breaking down this wall of isolation that you’re finding yourself stuck with. I find myself in that same place repeatedly even though I know rationally that I have people in my life who would be glad to be present if I said I was struggling. It’s hard to push away the negative voices inside and the fears, although each time you do it is worth it because this is all about your life, your future, your well-being - and I can assure you my friend that you matter so very much, even if sometimes it’s hard to see it from where you stand. There is more to this life than this darkness and sense of helplessness. Thank you for being here today, for being alive, for trying - as trying is the most beautiful act of love you can ever offer yourself and the ones who have the chance to know you. Your presence matters. Your impact is real. Hold Fast. :heart:


@@HeartSupport :sob::sob::sob: I appreciate the time you took to reply, I noticed the two replies are from different days. This means a lot, thank you so much. Sadly I am not good at talking about my struggles or expressing myself so I don’t know where to start which is why my comment has no context lol. I’m trying to keep breathing. I know it has to get better somehow. Thank you

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That is okay! There is a start for everything - and the first step is always the hardest one! All in all, know that things don’t have to be perfectly structured, as long as it makes sense to you and is meaningful to share at a given time, it’s all that matters! I know it can be overwhelming to sit down and try to find where to start when it comes to sharing our story… but it’s okay to let it unfold as a simple conversation, see where it leads you and where you want to direct it at the same time. No matter what needs to be said, and no matter when it feels appropriate for you, you will always be welcome expressing yourself. In the meantime, yes - deep breaths! You’re safe here, and when it comes to sharing your voice you are never wrong. :heart:
