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Belongs to: It's Too Scary To Be Alone - John Floreani of Trophy Eyes
John you talking about this… Is exactly how i felt and still feel, im only 26 and went to see you at the edge hill tavern only a couple weeks ago, i still dont want to live but cant do anything myself.
So i drown myself in drugs and alcohol. The say your not a man till 27, but next year im pretty sure i will still have no idea what to do.
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Though I did not watch the video. But the title is about fear of being alone, so I might role with that. I get being alone sucks. I too feel alone at times and I don’t exactly do anything about it to change it. But I urge you to try looking into things that your community does. Maybe join a group that peaks your interest. Its hard to meet people and make friends through jobs sometimes and it is extremely hard to meet people if your a home body (meaning you like to be at home all the time). But know this, you sir, are not alone. Explore the community, find some new hobbies and you will find people you can relate to in your community, Im sure of it. And if it helps, I will be trying to do the same as well! Good luck, and try to see life as a explorational experience. In other words, every day try to do something new everyday or at least once a week, give yourself something to look forward to every week.