A better school situation

I’m homeschooling again. I’m so excited.

I’ll be taking some college courses/dual enrollment. I hear that it will be quick which will save time and allow me to do more classes after those ones sooner. It’s for the best even if it is more challenging. I’m excited for anatomy and physiology since the body is so disgustingly fascinating. The only thing I’m going to continuously complain about is math. I hate math so much. I don’t understand when in my life I’m ever going to use imaginary numbers or logarithmic functions or sin, cos, tan. I’m so bad at math, please, give me a break.

I’ll also be graduating earlier. One side of me is proudly celebrating in silence and reminiscing the good memories along with my achievements while the other side is becoming unhinged because of the people who wronged me at school.

I don’t know how I’m going to work since I have Momo my dog but it should be fine. She’s lazy anyways, kind of like her owner. Oops.

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Hi @wren_wyn,

I’m so excited about you being homeschool. I took a few dual enrollment classes, it was fun. I took two classes of anatomy & physiology. It was interesting to the learn about the function of the body part.

I’m particularly not sure what math that you are taking. I took several math classes in college. I always recommend watching math Youtube videos like Organic Chemistry Tutor. This You-tuber helped me pass my math classes in college. Not everyone loves math but it’s useful for certain careers like STEM.

I’m so proud of you graduating early :smiley: ! I love how you mentioned about memories & achievements. I’m loving the progress here.

Is there someone in your family or neighbor that you can trust too look over your pet when you are at work? A person once told me that their pet always act like their owner.


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Ayy congrats! That sounds very exciting. I hope you enjoy and learn lots- even in the dreaded math.

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Reminds me, I had to take health and we went over the skeletal system. I had a bad habit of saying “phalanges” instead of “hands/feet.” I’m so awfully strange and not in a good way. It’s so stupid.

I think it’s contemporary math? I forgot because I don’t want to remember. I’ve finished algebra 2 with an A but I had a lot of help from tutor sessions with my teacher and live lessons. I don’t actually hate math. Some parts were fun but those were the parts I understood. I love polynomials.
I’m actually looking into science for what I’ll do in college. Maybe biology, I don’t know. I have an interest in forensics but some branch where I would be able to stay in a lab. Maybe a toxicologist or an assistant for the coroner. I’ll probably have to take some other math class but maybe I’ll start to like it this time? I don’t know. I’ll try YouTube (thank you for the suggestion) or I’ll beg on my hands and knees for a tutor.

My parent can watch my Momo. I really hope she doesn’t act like me. She’s crazy, she runs around the house as if she’s being chased by death. But then she sleeps on my lap.


Those career sound interesting. I enjoyed learning science too. Your parent is taking the dog seems like a good idea. Your dog sounds adorable :grinning: Good luck with your classes this spring semester!!!

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