A f*** up

Do you understand that this doesn’t mean that there actually is?


doesn’t mean i don’t feel like there is though. you tell a lie over and over and over and over again to people and eventually you start to believe it and can’t tell reality from lie anymore so what’s the difference with this, yknow?

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If you know that it could be a lie, then you’re on your way to dealing with it head on!

You could probably start a journal where you write nice and positive things about yourself. Things that you believe, and build on what you see as “real”.

I totally know, yes. It’s hard for me to not hate myself and think I’m a monster, so I totally get you. I’m in the same boat as you are, those lies were pounded into my head too.

We both know that those lies don’t make it true tho.

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Also, there is a huge difference in calling ourselves “a f*** up” versus saying “I f***ed up”.
One is a behaviour, one is an identity.

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