A kind of weird question

***Possible tw??: death

I don’t understand how people feel about things a lot of the time; it’s something I struggle with. So, people and emotions feel foreign in a way. Excuse me if this is strange.

I’m fascinated by death, is that a weird thing?

I find death a beautiful thing. It allows for change and new creation, for things to be reborn. Without death, there would not be life since there would never be an end and therefore never a beginning. It’s inevitable so I see no reason to fear or embrace it, but rather accept it. It’s a cycle, which I feel is mostly seen as morbid, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Death is the freedom of the corrupt humanness we live in: in our greed, envy, selfishness, anger, etc. It’s as precious as life in a way. Without death, everything would be stagnant which would never allow for growth in people, ideas, the world, and more. That’s my view on it, at least.


Actually, I feel the same way about death. I’m in no rush for it to happen, but I am at peace with it. I don’t write about it because of how it may influence others. Rest assured, there is nothing weird about the question, nor is there anything weird about attaining an admirable insight. I also consider it a friend who reminds me how precious our time is.


Hi there, @wren_wyn :hugs:

It’s absolutely normal to have different perspectives on death and human emotion from others. I’ve found your viewpoint on death, where you find it beautiful and seeing it as a natural part of life unique and thought provoking - especially as I am a Christian.

In Christian faith, death is a journey and not a destination. Christian’s believe in the resurrection and eternal life (heaven and hell), where death isn’t deemed the final destination, but a door that opens to new beginnings. Christians believe that Jesus died, so that we could live a life of eternity. The pverarching theme in Christian faith is that death is a time of hope and renewal. I hope I’ve not been too pushy with my beliefs here, but i thought it’s useful to know it from a different perspective.

Alongside your view that death is a time for hope, renewal and growth, death is also heartbreaking. The fact you understand that death is a journey rather than a destination is unique. It is okay to embrace a viewpoint that relates to you.

I hope this offers a differing insight :heart::rainbow:


Not weird at all! That kind of fascination is shared by many. A lot of artists, writers, poets, musicians, movie directors have created from a fascination of death and anything that connects to it. It’s entirely part of life, and something we can universally think about, talk about and meditate on. There’s not one unique way in the world to view death either or to approach rituals surrounding it - cultural differences on that matter are super interesting to learn about.

As a side note, I personaly think it’s important that this specific fascination does not become either a way to justify - for example - personal suicidal thoughts. Having struggled with clinical depression and suicidal thoughts for a long time, I know I can sometimes walk on a fine line between being fascinated by death out of personal despair (a call towards nihilism), VS exploring considerations about it out of a purely philosophical questioning. I generally need to ask myself where my thoughts would come from, and be honest with myself regarding what it is serving at the moment.


You don’t have to respond to this.

I’m not sure where I went with this. I’ve never had the opportunity (or the guts) to talk about anything like this with anyone, especially in person. I feel as though I’d be judged for even questioning it. I seriously hope you didn’t mind this though, I don’t want to bother you or upset you or anything.

I was born into the faith. It feels like nothing to me, honestly, which might be disheartening to hear, but it’s the truth and being genuine is most important. I grew up surrounded by it. It’s like how when you see something so often, your mind fades it out and you forget about it. It’s similar to that. It was like I was born and expected to understand it and accept it and be faithful.

Of course I’m not, but isn’t that sinful nature? Doesn’t justify it, but it’s a fact.

My past counselor told me that after trauma, people tend to stray away from their religion. I suppose that happened to me, but I was never that religious to begin with since I was born into it and it became almost an expectation. I feel like I was abandoned, left to fend for myself in a world of chaos. And it still feels that way. There’s no safety from the world when I’m my biggest danger.

I’m one of those people that likes to have knowledge and evidence before making a conclusion on something. So, I’m always searching for answers and information, anything I can get. I want to understand everything and I simply cannot do that when it comes to an infinite and incomprehensible God. I know this but I still can’t accept it. Maybe I have walls up, which is stupid, but I don’t know.

There still remains that expectation of loving Christ and being a faithful Christian, but what does that even mean? I feel like that could differ slightly based on personal experience, but I’m probably wrong. But if so, that makes humans an unreliable source for information. I feel as though no one can answer me because even they don’t know. But then again, I’m probably searching for answers that don’t exist. In my eyes, I’m a disgrace to Christianity. Not to God since he’s forgiving, but to Christians, especially because of my bad coping habits and the assumption people have of my sexuality.

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Hi @wren_wyn :hugs:

I know you said I don’t need to respond, but I wanted to offer a few fresh words. You’re not bothering or upsetting anyone by sharing. At the moment your discovering yourself, which is a beautiful and important journey. You’re shoeing great strength by being opening.

Not having the answers about the two complex issues of faith and identity. Those two things produce a lot of different questions and that’s okay. It’s also okay to try to find a common ground of knowledge and understanding. Your quest for purpose and meaning is brave and okay,

Faith and Spirituality are two deeply personal concepts of life. A faithful Christian has no one-size fits all definition. This path is unique to you. Dont let others squander your worth by their thoughts and opinions, they don’t own you. You should be kind to yourself and take the time to explore your own beliefs and understand your thoughts.

I can assure you, you aren’t a disgrace to Christianity, and you aren’t there to follow others lead or expectations. Your journey to self-acceptance and understanding is important. You’ll find your own path in time :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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