A Message To Everyone

As another Monday approaches and another weekday begins, I just wanted to take a moment to remind all of you to be gentle with yourselves this week.

I know that we all have our challenges and stresses that we are working through and trying to conquer. I also know that some days things feel like they are impossible and difficult to accomplish and get through. This is a reminder that you are not alone. You are cared for. You are valued and you are very important.

I hope that there is peace and resolve in whatever it is you are going through right now, be it family problems, relationship difficulties, addiction, spiritual battles, health issues, school, work or anything else.

You have a friend that cares for you and loves you.

Hold fast my friends. We will get through this week together!

Id love to hear what you have planned this week! And any goals you hope to achieve!



Hey Kitty,

Just want to thank you for the Monday morning encouragement. It means a lot to me, and I know that it means to a lot to others as well.

I’m in the last month of my senior semester of college and life is crazy. So this week will be a lot of catching up on assignments, working on internship stuff, plus working at my jobs. Thanks for being here and loving on the community.

I hope you have a great week!

Hold fast you’re worth it



I wish you all of the luck as you adventure into your final month of your senior semester! I know that can mean a lot of work and stress! Be gentle with yourself, take breaks, meditate and allow your head some time to recollect after studying for a while!

Much love!

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I read his while blowing my nose for the umpteenth time today, thank you for the encouragment XD


Haha! Feel better, Tim!

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Thank you @anon17277947, the same goes for you!

I have 4 (well now 3) days of work left before I get a week off, and I’m taking off early on the last day to go with my cousin to a show in San Francisco! I’ve got a couple work projects to get done in the next couple days, but I’m going to work hard and make sure I play harder afterwards!

You have a great week as well, take care friend! Hold fast.



Thank you for sharing this post. It was unexpected. Hehe. You are a good woman. Keep it up!


Oh, hey! That’s nice! Time off is always a nice thing yea? Have fun at your show when you go! And I hope you get your projects done :heart:


Thank you I needed to hear that. There is a lot going on and I am having a difficult time coping with stress and feeling that my future is uncertain.


I’m really sorry to hear that Ninja. I don’t know what all you are going through, but I hope that you are able to find some peace and resolve. Know that you are not alone and we are here as a community to walk along side you and everyone as a community as we all get through our everyday challenges. Just know that you are important and are cared for!

I know that sometimes stresses can be hard to cope with, but remember to take some time out for yourself so that you can recoup. Meditate, go for a walk, spend time with a friend, write. Anything that will allow you some time and space to reflect and reset. We all need a mental recharge sometimes. I know I do.

Hang in there. :heart:



We are here with you and for you, my friend.