Hey everyone! Hope you’re all doing well.
Sharing this update with you to let you know that you may have noticed that you’ve received multiple private DMs lately called “You helped a user”. This is a new implementation on the forum that notifies people who responded on a topic when the original poster has expressed feeling supported! However, recently these notifications are mostly from old topics (prior to August 23), and here’s why.
If you’ve been a regular responder for a long time now, you will keep receiving quite some of those messages in times to come as we are currently backing up our forum data, which means that all old topics are being processed again to see if a resolution was found or not. If yes, then this DM is sent to all people who responded on the topic where the original poster has felt supported.
I apologize already for the inconvenience, and am deleting these notifications as I go, which removes it directly on the forum and you shouldn’t see it if you connect on the Support Wall. However, if you have emails notifications activated, you will keep receiving these notifications in your inbox. Feel free to update your notification settings directly through your profile (although keep in mind that this would also remove the notifications for new/future topics).
These updates should be regularly happening in the next upcoming months. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Hold Fast.