A title I cannot come up with

I feel the need to just summarize,

Next to no parental support from day one, just impossible standards
Leading to low self worth, I feel nothing is worth doing
Which leads to toxic and lacking relationships
I consistently either get females that only want sex or ghost after a short time, I’ve always wanted more then empty relationships.
Narcissistic abuse, I have finally broken away but these people are now destroying everything with everyone I know.
Alcoholism, a decade long event that I am now fighting but progress isn’t much and it’s that much worse when there’s literally no one left to help you out a bit. Even just look at me and say you don’t need that.
Anxiety is at an all time high and depression keeps you down. Both at once is like half of you being lifted up and other crushed down at the same time. (Until you’ve got that bottle at least)
Guilt is ravaging. You want to be alone but are so tired of it at the same time.
The relentless voices are obliterating even basic thought.
I have 2 bends in my spine so that pain doesn’t help either especially when you feel like trash for not doing anything all day.
All of this affects my work life too.

I have put my faith in Jesus Christ and work toward seeking him more everyday, and I have the HS books as well. Christ gives me much hope. I am not seeking attention here I am simply led to jot this all down somewhere. Good music is medicine friends.


Thank for you for sharing all of the pain that is weighing you down. I hope that putting it down helped and I’m glad you followed that feeling of being led to share. Hold on to that hope :hrtlegolove: Welcome to the community we are here to listen and encourage you as you need it. The HS books are awesome. Dwarf Planet was a big game changer for me and my hope for you is that whatever books you’re reading and steps you’re taking will help you along your journey forward

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