About the General category

Discuss with others about non mental-health topics such as hobbies, interests, etc.

When opening a topic in the General category, you can use one o the following tags to indicate the nature of your conversation:

  • Art-Creativity :art: : share what you’ve created, ask for tips about an artistic practice, journal about your creative journey, etc.

  • Encouragement :heart_hands:: want to encourage others in a general manner? Use this tag if you want to share some encouraging words.

  • Fun-Memes :crown: : found something that made you smile or laugh and you want to share it? This is the right tag to apply! Make sure of course to keep it safe and family-friendly at all-times. The Support Wall is not your typical meme forum and our mods will remove anything inappropriate.

  • General-chat :speaking_head: : for more general conversations that are not a Support request and don’t fit with other General tags.
    Political and religious views/debates are not accepted here. You are absolutely free to have your beliefs and opinions, but the Support Wall is no place for a tribune on these subjects. There are many other places online to have these conversations and share your opinions!

  • Hobbies :jigsaw: : share about activities you enjoy doing, make you happy or help you unwind.

  • Joy-Gratitude :candle: : want to highlight something good happening in your life? Want to express gratitude for something or someone? This is the tag you’ll want to use!

  • Lifestyle :athletic_shoe: : for general conversations pertaining to various aspects of life, but are not a Support request. share or ask about tips and tricks about a specific practice, obstacle or routine in your life.

  • Music :notes: : talk about artists, bands and songs you enjoy, ask for music recommendations, etc.

  • Self-Care :sunflower: : share things that help you in your daily life, self-care practices, resources that you find useful - or ask for others suggestions!