Advice on some activities for young adults

Hello! I hope it’s okay if i put this here as i would need some ideas, and i was thinking that maybe you could help me with some advice.
First i want to say how grateful i am for this community, even if im not active over here, but i see how welcoming and caring you are. I follow you for some years now and as my life stories changed, you were always there when i needed some support. Thank you!
So I will be working with some young adults, and we will have activities based on mental health and a healthy lifestyle, and i will be the one who will implement them, I was thinking that maybe some of you might work in a similar filed and could share some things from your experience. Basically it’s a camp and for example one of the activities will be to write down fear, expectations and contribution, regarding some of their issues, then we will stick them on a wall and as they feel like they made some changes will take them down as a winning, i know it’s a long process but i can say it’s a beggining. So i would need some activities that can be also done in groups, in this way we can create connections but also individually. Maybe you could help me out with some ideas or some other resources where i can look up to. Thank you!


Not sure if this helps, but maybe they can write down things that they are grateful for. Small things. And write down 1 thing about each other that they think the other person is good at, like doing crafts or sports or smiling or something like that

Hello, @thelight

First of all, welcome back to the community! It’s been a while. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve support and inspiration within this community over the years. It’s really uplifting to see your uommitment to making lives better for young people. by working with young adults on mental health and healthy lifestyle activities. Your dedication to facilitating meaningful experiences for these individuals is truly commendable.

The described activity, where the participants must write down their fears, expectations, and contributions regarding their issues and then display them on a wall, is a fantastic way to encourage self-reflection and open dialogue within the group. It’s indeed a powerful first step towards personal growth and development. In addition to this activity, here are some other ideas and resources you can consider incorporating into your program:

  1. Group Therapy Sessions: Organize regular group therapy sessions where participants can share their experiences, challenges, and successes in a supportive environment. You can facilitate discussions on various topics related to mental health and wellness, such as stress management, self-esteem building, and coping strategies.
  2. Mindfulness and Relaxation Exercises: Introduce mindfulness and relaxation techniques to help participants reduce stress and improve their overall well-being. Activities such as guided meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can be beneficial for promoting relaxation and self-awareness.
  3. Team Building Activities: Plan group activities that promote teamwork, collaboration, and communication. This could include outdoor challenges, problem-solving tasks, or creative projects that require participants to work together towards a common goal. Team building activities can foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among group members.
  4. Art Therapy Workshops: Incorporate art therapy workshops where participants can express themselves creatively through various art forms, such as painting, drawing, or sculpting. Art therapy can be a powerful tool for self-expression, exploration, and healing, allowing individuals to process their emotions and experiences in a non-verbal way.
  5. Healthy Cooking Classes: Host cooking classes focused on preparing nutritious meals and snacks. Teaching participants about the importance of a balanced diet and how to make healthy food choices can empower them to take control of their physical health and well-being. Cooking together also provides an opportunity for socialization and bonding.
  6. Outdoor Activities: Take advantage of the natural environment by organizing outdoor activities such as hiking, nature walks, or team sports. Spending time outdoors can have numerous benefits for mental health, including stress reduction, mood improvement, and increased physical activity.
  7. Guest Speakers and Workshops: Invite guest speakers, such as mental health professionals, nutritionists, or fitness instructors, to conduct workshops or seminars on relevant topics. Hearing from experts in the field can provide valuable insights and inspiration for participants on their journey towards better health and wellness.

The overarching theme/aim of any event you host for the young people should be that the event is a supportive, and inclusive environment where participants feel empowered to explore and address their mental health needs while also building connections with others. Remember to be flexible and adaptable in your approach, and always prioritize the well-being and safety of your participants.

I hope these ideas are helpful to you as you plan your activities.

Wishing you all the best in your work with young adults

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Thank you, @leapyeargirl and @EvilGenius! As you mentioned @EvilGenius “Your dedication to facilitating meaningful experiences for these individuals is truly commendable”, thank you so much. I’m finally making steps in finding my own journey while helping others on the way, hoping that it will help them also to path their way, as others did for me. As you all here did for me at some point and inspired me to do the same for others :smile: