After 35 years in my current home i am desperate t

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hot To Be Me by Ren Ft Chinchilla
After 35 years in my current home, I am desperate to get out, to move away, to sell the house and get away from the pain that surrounds me and reminds me of everything that has occurred in my life here in this house, or family issues while living here. My husband mentioned last night he decided that he doesn’t want to sell after all. Now I am trying to think of what am I going to do to erase the memories and pain when walking into each room, seeing each wall and doorway, each window that shines light into the room sparking a thought that brings back a trauma - a trauma for me - not for someone else also living here. I guess that is one source of my insomnia, not sleeping well, ill heath heart failure, high blood pressure, rashes and over all body pain. I sometimes wonder if the remodeling changes anything. Nope. Should we knock out walls? add a new room? Put in all new kitchen design. Burn the old furniture? What? what? what can I do? Paint won’t cover the memories. Bandaids may stop the bleeding, but the scar will remain.

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Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your story! I’m so sorry you are struggling right now and feeling desperate and trapped. Having to face reminders each day of past trauma is so difficult. I pray that you are able to communicate your struggles with your husband and that he can understand your feelings and you can come up with a plan that will enable you to heal. You are worthy of love, compassion and deserve to heal. You are not alone and we’re so grateful you are here!