AILD Fan #17

Been alone relationship wise for years now, I hate my job and want to do something different but know i wouldn’t make enough to survive without it. I love my friends and my music, they keep me going though

Try finding places to go to or groups to hang out with where you are able to enjoy your hobbies. Having hobbies outside of your job that you’re able to put time

and effort into will help a lot when dealing with the stress of a job you don’t necessarily enjoy. And don’t stress too much over having a relationship, at

Hey I am so happy to hear you have a community around you that will support you through this chapter of being without a relationship. Isnt that cool you got people and a place you can be real in. Hey you are not alone okay. I am personally going on 6 years of being single its okay. Its alright. Yeah it gets lonely, but I am so glad I have a family, friends. and community I surround myself with. You have that now to here at HeartSupport. Love you.

Hold Fast
Morgan Vincent Hochstetler
HeartSupport Intern

Hey there,
I responded to your topic on my live stream.