AILD Fan #58

I miss my ex boyfriend and want him back.

Heartache’s a bitch, huh…I remember when my girlfriend and I broke up in college…we had been together for a couple of years, and when she left, there was this torturous ache in my gut every day…and every time it hit me – out of nowhere – the first person I wanted to turn to was her…which only made the pain worse every time it happened…it felt like there’s no one else in my life that could understand the depth of this pain, that could understand what it is that I’m missing, that I’ve lost, what it feels like to be completely alone…everyone else just looks so happy and fine, and no one could possibly get what I’m going through…what I wish someone had told me when I was in that place is that I’m not alone…someone who would allow me to unload my pain on them and at least be heard…I hope that you can feel those things in this message – you are not alone. And it’s okay to be hurt. Your pain makes total sense…you’re not crazy for having heartache and wanting your ex back. Totally normal, friend. Thank you for sharing.


I have definitely been where you are. I have missed exes before, but there is always someone who can make you feel loved and appreciated. I don’t know what caused y’all to break up, but another thing that I have learned is that once someone shows your who they are, believe them.