AILD Fan #9

I’m afraid I won’t be able to have children.

Just wanted to offer you absolute love and support! You can handle this! You are a strong and beautiful human that can do so much with your love and compassion.

Keep trying and stay motivated. Don’t let defeat win. Positivity goes a long way.

It is terrifying to go through that. I once had to have a growth on my cervix checked for cancer and the thought of no longer having a choice was incredibly difficult deal with. It was only an hour long process but I ended up calling in to work and taking the whole day to myself. Take all the time you need to feel what you need to feel and know you are never alone.

Hey First I will be praying for this. I also want to tell you is always an adoption. My best friend and his wife tried for 12 years to have kids… with no luck. It Turned out to be her… Yes she was sad… but knew there was adoption. Two months ago they adopted. I am not saying you will never be able to have children but I am saying keep trying. If they can go 12 years of trying you can to! You are strong enough to do this! I BELIVE IN YOU!

If you cant handle this alone reach other around you. You got this. All of us believe in you!

Hold Fast
HeartSupport Intern

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