All-the-time - 2555

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All the time :disappointed:===========

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Hey friend. Thank you so much for sharing about how you relate to the content posted here. It is SO hard to feel like when you express yourself, you are going to burden others, or make them lose some precious time on you. In the midst of our pain, it can be hard to even consider that there are people out there who genuinely care about us and are willing to listen patiently, as well as providing support. Somehow, it feels so heavy on us already that we don’t want to make someone feel the same way, or extend our own burdens to others.

So many times I have personally felt like it was anything but a gift when I was sharing how I was feeling to someone. More often than not, it feels carrying some kind of curse that needs to be hidden and silenced as much as possible. It almost feels like a reversed gesture of love but to keep things for myself. It’s like saying “I want to protect you from this darkness that is inside of me”. You don’t want to create any fear or worry or concern in the heart of someone you love.

Yet… at the same time, people who love us ARE willing to offer their time, attention and care when they have the possibility to do so. It is, somehow, their choice, and we can’t take that away from them - even if it’s hard to understand it, or even if we feel undeserving of it. They truly have the right to choose to love us and to manifest that love through caring actively for us. And when you think about it, when you do share about your burdens with someone, you are showing them a BEAUTIFUL mark of trust, which is so unique and so special. You are telling them between the lines that you trust them with your own vulnerability - and that takes someone special to be allowed to have access to that part of your heart.

I’m sure that, on your side you would love to know when a person your love is struggling, so you can be there for them. Of course it’s often more difficult to apply this reasoning to ourselves, especially if we feel unworthy and undeserving. But it’s still a good reminder and way to practice seeing things from the other person’s perspective – beyond our own pain, that sometimes overshadows the love that is available for us. It is a deep mark of trust, friendship, bonding, authenticity.

There is nothing to be ashamed of when it comes to welcoming and accepting this love in your life. You are worthy of love, care and genuine support my friend. No matter what kind of struggle you are facing. Your voice is so very important and you truly deserve the best - even when your mind is trying to convince you otherwise. There are burdens in life that don’t need to be carried just on our own. Together we are stronger, and opening up to others is a special gift that you have in your control. <3

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