Am I a bad friend?

As of lately, I’ve been having some doubts again.
Just some late night thoughts about what am I going to do with myself in the future. With how things are going, it doesn’t look very good.

First, I started having doubts about my social skills again. Mostly how, no matter what I do, everyone just seems to drift away to spend time with someone more interesting than me. I mean, I’d love to talk about whatever, play some games or hang out. But I’m way too fucking shy to be the first to propose it, since I don’t want to look clingy of others.

And secondly, I’ve been doubting… well, myself. The more I look back on my story so far, the more it seems that I’m a lost cause. The only thing I’m remotely good at is art and only art, I have poor social skills, I zone out often in class, I’m overreactive about the smallest of things, I’m not gonna be as good as the others in my class, and I’m never gonna have my dream friend, not in a million years…

I guess what I’m trying to say is, I’ve been feeling pretty hopeless. And I mean it.
I may have sudden mood swings every now and then, but it still doesn’t change the fact I’m not doing okay…

I’m still waiting for something to happen. I’ve giving the world all the time it needs, and still I’m being deprived of what I need most.


Hello there! I’m really sorry if my grammar sucks, English isn’t my strong suit…
I completely understand what you’re going through. I’m not a professional at advice, but I’ve always been the therapist in my friend groups.

And after supporting them, trying my best to be the best friend I can be…they just drift away and leave me for some other “special” person. It really kills me, because I realize that every single one of my friends did that. I’m also always the one who’s excited and more than glad to propose to hang out with them, but they just say “oh yeah, we’ll think about it.” and never respond.

Everyone left me hanging too. Always for some other person who has something that I supposedly don’t have. I know how it feels. I’m really only good at art, I think I’m hopeless 100% of the time, and feel so empty. With school, for me, I try to have good social skills, I stay focused in class, I really just say who cares about the small things(but overreact about it in my head), and I always felt so left out when I realized I was so much better than most of the people in my class. I felt horrible being the perfect friend, because everyone just used me. I really wish I was the opposite of what I am today, so people won’t look up at me and build our friendship from jealousy.

I too have mood swings, and tend to start crying out of nowhere, telling myself how worthless I am. I’m not doing very okay either. See? We’re pretty similar!

I also tell people all the time about how I really want a friend, the perfect friend, the dream friend…but everyone just laughs at me and says to give up on that. It really hurts, and makes me feel even more hopeless. My dream has ALWAYS been to have an amazing friend that’ll stick by my side forever out of the pure mutual trust we share for each other.

Most people’s solutions for this problem is usually just: “Oh, friends come and go. Don’t dwell on it. Grow up.”
But my solution? Don’t wait or look for something to happen. Let it just…happen. If it’s truly fated for something to happen, you don’t have to look for it. That ounce of hope will find you.

Oh, and trust me, you’re an awesome friend. No matter what, don’t let those “friends” of yours change who you are. You’re a beautiful person. Bad friends don’t attempt to ask if they’re a bad friend or not.


I really relate to your post. Even at the age of 27, I struggle with thoughts of what I’m going to do in the future. (I hope that doesn’t discourage you) At first, I’m going to talk about myself but I promise to tie it all together and hope any insight and experience I share with you can be of even the smallest benefit.

I’m going through undoubtedly the hardest time in my life. I quite literally lost every friend (not many to begin with) that I had because of a breakup in which they all decided to stop talking to me and take her side without me ever getting a chance to defend myself for the accusations that were thrown my way.

Yesterday I had a total breakdown. One of those gut wrenching, hurling cries that feels like you need to vomit. I had/have no idea what the right mindset is: is it all my fault for not being valuable enough for them? are they just toxic people? These are people I knew for 10-15 years, and I would regularly reach out to them and be there for them when they needed my support/advice. And where were they when I needed them most? Hiding things behind my back and disappearing from me.

So I absolutely understand people drifting away. No matter what I did to show my friends I loved and supported them, whatever it is that they need in a person to validate and support them, I don’t have. All, of course, while they “left” me for my ex. I’d often ask my one friend, my “best friend” of 14 years, to play games. He’d either never reply or “be busy” but then see him on Steam playing with his other friends. I tried to get him to visit or 10 years (he lives overseas), and he would instead visit friends he knew for less time. I tried to call him, but he would call my girlfriend (at the time) instead.

Last semester, I was a teaching assistant and my first day I was so nervous that my shirt was soaked from sweat. I thought I was a complete lost cause. I had lost everything, I could no longer exist in social situations (which I already struggled with, but it was getting worse), and I was crying everyday. I joined a social anxiety group through my university which was somewhat beneficial, but still, here I am now.

I wish I could have a success story and give you a “here’s how I did it” instruction, but I don’t. Am I better at socializing now? Maybe. The only thing that’s been slightly beneficial is to just keep putting yourself out there. Are you going to meet your best friend ever right away? Probably not. But the doubt and discouragement you feel are valid and it’s understandable you’d feel this way. I do too.

Like @kurage said, you are an awesome friend. It may hurt to accept that the people in your life who have treated you poorly aren’t meant for you, but it’s true, and I must accept that for myself too. I spent many years of my life with, well, abusive friends, when I should have been looking elsewhere. You and I both deserve the connection, support, validation, and trust we deserve. No matter any mistakes we have made in the past, we want to grow beyond that and exist in a mutually beneficial, mutually trusting friendship. It just means you’re a human. Maybe those who are afraid of genuine friendships are hurting in their own way too, and I do sympathize with them, even if it hurts people like us.

I know it’s hard not to feel worthless because we feel our value reflected in those around us, but at some point maybe we can realize that the sheer fact we were/are willing to be there for people genuinely makes us desirable friends. It makes me sad how many lonely people are in the world, and I wish people would be more aware of how it can destabilize us. I find myself feeling 5% better because of this place. Just reading other posts, knowing there are others who are genuine in their efforts to grow and support others who are struggling, it helps marginally. And these days, I take what I can get.

Just keep looking, keep staying true to what your needs are, and know it may not happen right away. It’s okay to be uncomfortable and put yourself out there. If people judge you because you come across as shy, they’re not the friends for you in the first place. The right ones will accept you for who you are and support whatever growth you want for yourself along the way.