Anhedonia at a Waterpark

Hey friends,
A little anxious to post and I’m not sure if this is worth a post, but I’m at a Waterpark this weekend. Nothing here is interesting to me anymore. Everyone around me (or at least mostly everyone) is smiling, laughing, and having fun. I tried to enjoy the various attractions. But I’ve felt no enjoyment.

Now I just sit here while the rest of my party is off and about because I’m tired of having to explain why I look miserable to my party.

I wish I would’ve stayed home but now I’m stuck hours away from the house. Feeling like this won’t get better.

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Dear Anhedonia

It bummer being sad in fiends group and everyone around you keeping ask why you are sad. Sometime you just need alone to chill out and figure stuff out. But this moment will past and it tollay normal to feel that way.

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I get like this too, @Ahwhoy
For me, its usually because of sensory overload, or i’m just extremely Depressed. I’m not sure how to help with apathy, but maybe just trying to join a group, or a talk to someone. It may or may not help. Hold in, I have hope for you.
