Anhedonia Episode

Hi again.
For the last few hours I have had a an anhedonia episode. I was kind of excited when I was at work that I will come home and have a lot of free time but when I got here I listened to a few songs and tried to play a game but I just could not find eny enjoyment from that so I stopped. I feel like everything is boring or pointless or too exhausting. It is not likeI dont have things to enejoy. I can picture in my head a list of things that I might enjoy doing under normal circumstances but I just know I could not enjoy them.

I feel like at want to do something but I dont feel like doing anything. I feel numb and empty. Like everything I do might just be a pointless mess of nothing. Can somebody give me some advice what to do. I usually try to sleep or waint untill it goes away but right now I dont feel like sleeping. If anyone knows what will put things rights or just help me go through it please tell me. Thank you.


Hi @Ashwell Hugs

Are you able to go outside? Is it a nice day to sit in the sun/shade and just listen and breathe? No expectations for yourself, just sit and listen. Let the sun hit your face or enjoy the coolness of the shade on your skin. Focus on breathing in 4 seconds and out 4 seconds and if your thoughts start to get negative just recognize it and gently guide yourself into focusing on your breathing again.

This is called mindfulness meditation and it helps me so much when I do it. You can do it anywhere you feel comfortable, but I love to be outside when I do it.

You got this! :hrtlegolove:


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