Any wannabe writers?

I was just wondering if there are any other writers on here. What do you do to get into your creative space? Any fun projects you are working on? Any tips? Fiction or Non-fiction?

I’ll do an ice breaker.

Hi! For me to get into my creative space it is usually at night when everyone goes to bed. I get out my headphones and listen to music. Depending on the scenes I am writing depend on how my music goes.
For a tip: When writing a chapter, play it back by using google voice or read it out loud. If it sounds funny being read aloud, don’t hesitate to edit. Honestly, it helps a lot since you ss the author knows what is going on vs it makes you think as the reader. Another tip: if you are researching use google scholar! A lot of people tend to forget google scholar exists. It will narrow down search results a lot better.
I prefer fantasy and write that genre. I have two fun projects going on. One that has been a 10+ year project and the other I just started that came from a dream.


From supernova9122: Howdy! I just write for fun sometimes (haven’t been able to do it as much lately; this is my first semester of college). My creative space is very sporadic, just kind of write or voice record random things and then go back to that list of stuff and pick something at random to flesh out a little more. I love writing fantasy, sometimes sci-fi and used to do a lot of poetry and random little descriptive paragraphs.


Hello! Nothing wrong with writing for fun. Still keeps your creative mind open! Congratulations on starting your first semester of college! You got one heck of a journey ahead of you! I have never thought of recording haha I’ll have to keep that in mind but in away even if its not actually fully sitting down, it is a good organization tactic. And who knows what will happen while fleshing it out. That is all wonderful. I started out with poetry and descriptive paragraphs :3 Sci-fi is a big weak point for myself, but huge kudos cause I wouldn’t have the patience at all. Happy writing even if sporatic and also, good luck in college! Make sure not to procrastinate~


From supernova9122: Thank you!! :grin:
The recording partially started because I’ve written a little music here and there and I have a funny little notation I use but it’s handy when I don’t have paper on me


As a fellow artist, writing is more of a side hobby to me. I’m currently working on many backstories and universes for my OCs, but progress is kind of slow right (y’know, cuz of school related stuff). My creative space is all over the place, heh… On one hand, I’d be working on my story for hours on end, even feeling like I’ve just “leveled up” in my skills at times (which does feel pretty trippy).

On the other hand, I do have days were I do something else to recharge my creative juices (like listening to music, or playing my most favourite game of all time.) In general, I try to find a balance between this, especially since I still have other work to do.

I also absolutely love fantasy, be it sci-fi or simply speculation. I especially adore fiction that includes mythical creatures, since I’ve always been fascinated by these concepts. I’m basically hyperfixated on these kinds of stories.

But enough about the writing, what about some advice?
Generally, I’d say to first find some inspiration. If you feel like there’s something lacking in your story, then go search for the elements you want to use. For me, it’s mostly music, drawing, or using character AI for story prompts I didn’t know I even wanted to use.

In short, it’s good to have a small break and do something else that you like. Burnout and artblock are things we’ve all experienced and hate oh so much, and it’s best to avoid it for the most part. It’s important to take care of yourself, and that includes your creative side too.

Hope y’all are having a good morning/day/evening.


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