Appreciating my wife

I owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to my wife for supporting me with the discovery of my depression and anxiety.
She has shown me unconditional love and has accepted the many sides of me whether good or bad. She has supported my dreams and provides a safe place to explore my sexuality.
My topic is who has been your support and what would you say to them?


It’s a special feeling to have someone by your side who loves you unconditionally. It offers a very unique sense of safety and belonging. So thankful your wife has been such an ally for you! She sounds amazing!

My partner has been an absolute rock as well. He has taken so much load on his shoulders when I was deep in the trenches. It hasn’t always been easy, but we’ve matured together through hardships. We moved from being lovers to being life partners, which has rooted some good things in our relationship. Later this year we’ll celebrate 14 years of being together. :tada:

In a different manner, my siblings and grandma have had such a strong and positive influence on me. They didn’t/don’t realize it necessarily, but if it wasn’t for the genuine affection they’ve shown me while growing up, it would have been difficult to believe in other people, love, or hope. They taught me how humans can be creative, generous and humble at the same time. They helped me learned throughout my life that humanity doesn’t stop at one’s violence or brutality - there is more out there, and a diversity of people that is worth knowing. When you’ve known abuse/violence, it’s hard to feel safe in this world and believe in people sometimes, yet so easy to get lost in despair and isolation. Thankfully there are people who inspire to see the good, just by being who they are. Those are real gems and heroes with no cape to me.

Congratulations on 14 years that’s amazing.
My really is an amazing person. Loving and accepting and generous.
You mentioned that your partner carried a lot on their shoulders while you were in the trenches.
She did that for 18 months.
Now that my head is clearer and my medication has me stable I am doing the same in return.
Picking up the pieces where I can do she can rest or just staying positive for her when everything around her is falling apart.
Acknowledging her vents and just hugging her and letting her know everything is going to be alright

You have a great support system and I wish the same for everyone.

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Yes! This is such a beautiful and powerful season. When you can give back and feel finally empowered to do it. Back on your feet, with a better sense of control and awareness over what you can or cannot do. There’s beauty in the fact that your wife has nurtured patience and strength for you when you needed it the most, like there is from you to carry the same intention now that you are in a better place.

I’m glad medication and the support you’ve received has helped you climb the ladder again. You are starting to see the other side of this “dark night of the soul”. That is very powerful. :hrtgradientblue: