Art-block is not fun

As the title suggests, I’m currently going through some art-block after school started again. I’ve been overwhelmed with multiple projects and papers from my head teacher, and had less time to focus on my art skills and interests, so it’s difficult to do even a small side doodle. Plus, I’m starting to have small insecurities about not having a proper source of inspiration.

And that’s why I came here to ask some of you on tips for self-motivation. I know this can be very subjective, but I’m running out of ideas here.

(Also can someone update the tag thing for the general section? It doesn’t show any of the tags when I try to add one.)


Fellow artist here. If I read it correctly your artblock started with school starting. So it might be a form of overwhelm.
I can only say what works for me. And that is hard. But when my inspiration runs dry I have to sort of give up. Or give in, at least stop trying. In my experience the more I try to get inspiration or do art without proper motivation the less likely it is that I will manage. Recently I had to also say to myself to let it go. After some extra sleep and doing something completely different all of the sudden the inspiration came back. Maybe this does not work for you at all. But just trust that at some point inspiration will return, even if if might take awhile. You got this!

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