As a 10yr army vet this song hits hard so many of

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
As a 10yr army vet, this song hits hard. So many of us feel this way. Trapped in the memories and pain. Wrapped in the guilt and shame. Constantly trying to find our way in a world we don’t fit in. Begging for it to just stop until one day we just need to die. This is where we are every day.

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Thank you for sharing. You deserve to live. I hope you find peace. I wish i could give that to you, I am sorry for the pain in your life.

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I’m so glad you reached out! I’m so sorry for the constant pain, guilt and shame you are feeling. Being trapped in memories can be overwhelming and exhausting. You may not feel like you fit into this world but I promise you that you have value and worth and purpose. Sharing your story and speaking out about what you’ve been through is so important and valuable especially to others who have been in similar situations. Please keep holding on and reaching out. This is a safe place where we care about you and believe in you and are here to support you!


Thank you so much for reaching out, I want to let you know that you are heard, and your voice matters. I think in life, it’s such a difficult thing to find where we fit in, or deal with the guilt and shame that we bear. It’s a normal thing to feel the way that you do. While these emotions and feelings may linger, I promise that this storm will pass. Tripping over what’s behind us can be a taxing expense, but we must continue to move forward, and grow. You matter here, and I want you to know that there are people that love you. The world is a better place with you in it. Enjoy the present, and focus on now. I’m rooting for you, keep shining your light.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with these emotions. I appreciate your vulnerability in opening up to us how you’ve been feeling. The fact that you have served in the army for ten years is amazing, I can’t express how grateful I am that people like you have the bravery many of use do not. I promise you that despite how you feel you don’t fit in, you belong on this Earth and deserve to live.

One thing I have found in dealing with my depression is that as small and futile as it is, hope is beyond life-changing. You are not a broken person; You are far from broken. The future you have is not just surviving, but living. There is hope for you, this apathy will turn into joy and you will feel whole.

You are not alone in your struggling and hurting. Peace is never something that is unattainable. Please feel comfortable to reach out and share your story with us. We are right here for you.

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Thank you so much for sharing about how this song resonates with you and your personal story. Trauma is a beast that keeps haunting you, and I can only imagine how painful it is for you to feel like you just don’t fit in this world, and maybe somehow don’t belong either. It’s hard when it feels like there’s an invisible barrier between your inner world and the world around you. Inside there’s a storm taking place, a scream that needs to be heard, but on the outside it seems that silent remains, and your hurt is unnoticed.

I hope you will keep fighting for yourself, for you absolutely belong and matter. May you find peace, at your very own pace, to replace traumas as a part of your story, and not as something that would define your identity. You have so much beauty to bring into this world, and there is more to embrace around you. Hold Fast, friend. You’re in my thoughts. :heart: