As a man with a wife and 2 kids who has separated

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Freak on a Leash by Korn
As a man with a wife and 2 kids who has separated himself from what I felt was a toxic relationship, over 3 years of loneliness has caught up to me. This reaction video actually made me cry for the first time in a long time…
I’m not a dead beat. I still support the 3 of them. We still talk now and then. Months between sometimes. Mostly when she needs me to fix something. But I work 6 days a week. And I’m tired…
But I still try to help her when I can.
I do miss being useful cuz right now I feel useless.


Hi friend,
First off, I want to say that it takes great strength to acknowledge and get yourself out of that toxic situation, especially when kids are involved. So what you did is truly admirable, even if it may not always feel like it. I want to reiterate that you are not useless in any sense of the word. You are working 6 days a week, supporting the 3 of them, and helping your ex-wife when you can. These are all big feats. Take a moment and reflect on how much you have been through. I’m sure you will see for yourself how useful everything that you have done truly is for every party involved. Keep pushing and showing up; you got this.

  • Star :slight_smile:
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Hi friend. Sometimes our emotions cloud our perception of reality. It can be hard to remember but you’re a father that works 6 days a weeks and contributes to your family’s lives. You are not useless as much as you might feel like you are. Sending love.

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thank you for being here and opening up about the loneliness and pain you’re feeling. from what you’ve shared, i want to say how much your side of the situation hit home for me as a child of a father who made a similar decision. i appreciate your insight and realness more than words can express. you separated yourself from a situation that was not benefitting your mental health and created the boundaries you needed. you made the most useful decision to both yourself and your family because if we cannot help ourselves, how can we be expected to help others? wishing you all the best as you continue your journey to find relief from the loneliness, exhaustion, and feelings of uselessness. may a better tomorrow be on your horizon.

Hi there,
I am so sorry to hear that you have been through a difficult experience. Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable with us. Dealing with toxic relationships is really tricky. On one hand, you feel relieved and proud of yourself for leaving a situation that was negatively affecting you. On the other hand, you may also feel like a piece of yourself is missing and incomplete. I just want you to know that you are not alone and that everything you are feeling is normal and valid. The fact that you were able to leave that situation with kids involved shows me how brave you really are. And the fact that you still do your best to help them out while dealing with your job and your own life is amazing. You are strong and resilient. You are going above and beyond, putting others before yourself. This is truly admirable and inspirational. Be proud of yourself! You are dealing with a lot, so please be kind to yourself. You have so much purpose, and have so much to offer. Sending love and hugs. <3

Your life has shifted drastically, as well as the habits and routines you’ve built previously with your family. Even though your decision was right and essential - getting away of a toxic relationship -, you’ve been experiencing an important loss regardless, and transitioned towards something new. It makes sense to feel empty and somehow useless at times, especially if you were used before to provide to your family as well. There’s no doubt that you care about your children and will keep supporting them, but it’s also understandable that the changes you’ve known with this break up have also impacted the way you feel about your life, or even yourself. It sounds like you may still be experiencing this transition right now, but one day there’ll be a time when you will feel like you have reached a new chapter. Sometimes we stay for weeks, months or years in a kind of “in-between” two phases of our life, and it definitely feels like wandering aimlessly while we’re in there. You will find your way, friend. This may become, little by little, an opportunity to reconnect to your soul and heart in a new and whole manner. :heart: