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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling Away From Me By KORN
As a schizophrenic male caught in an abusive relationship i relate to this song so much more than I already did as a child. As a male there really aren’t options for escape
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Hey hey friend. Thanks so much for opening up about this and releasing some of the pressure off of your shoulders. It’s important to speak up and advocate for yourself and I think these are amazing steps to take. Im proud of you.
You mention being in an abusive relationship but also having schizophrenia. What is that like? I imagine that you have a hard time finding options to leave the relationship and escape. Perhaps there is a lot of fear wrapped up in the unknown of being alone. Perhaps you can’t leave due to the monetary difficulty of living on your own or finding somewhere else to be.
Regardless, it sounds suffocating and frustrating. Like you’re doing all you can to keep your head above the water, but the tide is rising, and you’re getting tired.
I don’t fully know your situation, but are you under treatment or anything. Or is that part of the abuse? Someone who has taken advantage of your condition.
I know that this isn’t an entirely uncommon occurrence - which means that by posting this, you’ve given power to what a lot of other people are struggling with.
Especially as a male - like what you touched on. I can definitely see it being harder to be believed and taken seriously.
Please feel free to come back here and post again. But I would encourage you to also keep looking for help and ways to escape the situation you’re in.
I believe you. We believe you. And I see you.
We’re here should you need us.
Hold fast my friend.