As an addict i would feel better if i were dead bu

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Alice in Chains Nutshell
As an Addict, I would feel better if I were dead. But I’m not. Were do I find hope?


Hey there,

First off I just want to say thank you for being open with us here. We appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.

I can’t even begin to know how difficult addiction must be, I’m sorry this is a fight you have to face.

I’m glad you aren’t dead.

Although we do not have the same struggle, I relate to the want to be dead. Sometimes life is just too much. Too many emotions, too much going on.

“Where do i find hope?” I feel like that is different for everyone, but here are some things that give me hope. I find hope in art, music, and helping others feel less alone. Seeing your comment on this video, I take it that maybe music means something to you? It helps me to feel less alone, more understood, like someone gets it.

What are some things that you love? Are there things that bring you joy to do?

Times in life can be really hard, like for instance not having money to pay rent like the situation I am in, just not making enough money, not feeling valued in my job, or like I matter.

Something my boyfriend said the other day is when we look back, we don’t really remember the good times, we remember the hard times where we were working to get to better times. I am trying to remind myself of this.

Please know there are people who will listen and people who care, there is hope.

I believe in you.

With love,

Hi There and thank you for being with us!

I hear you struggle a lot and addiction can be so exhausting i belive… That has to take so much energy to keep moving, fighting and going forward. I dont know what caused that, but i respect your resilience and your strength to keep pushing, fighting each day.

Saying what to do and what solves your problems, wouldn’t be fair as we know to little of each other and I know that each person is bit different where it comes to their story, life, childhood and relations. What i know is the fact that we sometimes are hard on ourselves and being broken, down is part of our human nature. It does not mean that we are completely lost, that this is our whole image. There is much more to that… all the small things, love, shared passion, friends, good actions…thoughts of others…There is so much good in everyone of us… there is so much good in you as well. We just need to find that in ourselves.

Maybe finding hope is to be done both within ourselves but also others, their support, love, engagement interactions… Maybe it is in the music scene where we share our emotions together with others, bringing us here to reflect on our life’s and seeing others have been going through their difficult times. Whatever there is that works for you, i am sure that you can find that, that you are looking for that with passion and you wish to be in better place. I know you can do that :slight_smile:

Sending my best thoughts and love