As someone who is taking his life in about an hour

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Belongs to: Therapist has a Lonely Day by System of Down
As someone who is taking his life in about an hour, thanks for this video series. I truly hope it helps some people. Ive struggled with major chronic depression since I was about 8 years old. I had stress ulcers in 6th grade. Id be 40 years old next April. Music has helped for a very very long time but like this song is related to Ive been alone my entire life. Both literally and theoretically. Like she describes its taken a toll on me physically and mentally. I had the knees of a 60 year old man by the time I was 25. To anyone reading this or watching the videos. Talk to SOMEONE. I internalized my entire life and by the time I tried to talk to someone it was too late. Ive had to start my life over too many times and Im just tired. But get help NOW, not later. I recently lost my job and unemployment has dropped the ball so many times now Im about to be homeless and I just cant anymore. But for those that are struggling now reach out to someone.

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Hey Friend,

I want to let you know that the family here at Heartsupport hears you…

I’ve had to start my life over again many times as well, been through several traumatic health issues, and had lost my job with no where to go.

I was extremely close to taking my life when I hit the lowest point in my life…

I want you to know that it is possible… that you CAN do it. That I know where you’re coming from and know where you can go.

Please tell me you will share your story with us?

Hold Fast my friend…

When I attempted to take my own life I was the same age as you. I had gone through so much stuff, ranging from family abuse, losing my mom and my job in the span of an hour, and needing to find a new place to live within 2 weeks. I was at my breaking point and I just wanted to end it all right then and there. Luckily I didn’t. I learned a lot in that span too. How it’s NEVER too late to get help. You took a huge step in posting here, that’s not internalizing. That’s you showing courage. No matter what life throws at us, there’s gonna be that sliver of hope that will always shine through. We may not see it now, we may not see it tomorrow, but trust me…it IS there.

Please try and take advantage of the resources that @I-Am-Reclaimer posted, and more importantly, please just let us know you’re here. We’ve been through this battle before, and we want to get through it together with you.

Stay strong, amigo <3

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First of all thanks for sharing. I think it is never too late, and I am glad you reached out to us.
I hope you will reconsider, because in spite of what you might believe or feel: you are valuable and YOU MATTER
Hold fast :heart:
I hope you will reach out to one of the resources @I-Am-Reclaimer has mentioned