As someone with depression myself this hits differ

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Belongs to: Therapist analyzes Su!cIde by Ren
as someone with depression myself this hits different…i think about “doing it” every day, how and when i would do it and so on…but so far i keep pushing through…
music like that helps a lot

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Thanks, for expressing your concern! Just remember you aren’t alone fighting with depression. I love how you mention that music helps you feel better. Music is so universal and people can interpret different ways. I do feel sad certain days but music makes my day so much better and productive.

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Hello friend,

I’m so incredibly proud of you for pushing through. When thoughts like that constantly pop up in your mind every day, especially details, it’s hard to have that drive to continue, but you do it! You should be commended for that!

As @toastaintbad said, music really IS universal! Ren’s music has helped not only me but SO many others. But there’s other types of music too that can connect with wide ranges of people! Like for me I’ve been listening to a lot of nu-metal because it takes me back to a time just graduating out of high school where I had a lot less stress going on in my life. It’s almost like a throwback.

Keep pushing, and you will definitely overcome your demons <3