Been-a-big-year-of-loss-to-death-one-friend-to-sui - 2576

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Belongs to: HeartSupport_Fans Content #2564
Been a big year of loss to death — one friend to suicide, great aunt, grandmother, aunt, old mentor, aunt, childhood dog. The 3 houses on corner I grew up on have all been sold up with the family deaths after being in the family for nearly 70 years. And I’ve lived in another country or state for every single loss. Been strange grieving from afar and wrestling with that displacement and trying to be there for family that’s also grieving.


@fred_gonz oh man sounds like so much grief. Just one loss after another. Before you’ve even grieved one another comes and it feels like the grief is just this growing ball of pain picking up more pain and getting bigger as it rolls along, not leaving any space for healing. Then on top of it you’re not physically in the same place as those you’re losing which can feel really disorienting. I’m so sorry friend. It must be really hard to feel all of this loss. My encouragement is to feel it all. To notice it’s ebbs and flows and to continue to trust that beautiful fresh life can grow where this grief once was. Sending love - Taylor

with the losses of so many loved ones as well as moving so much, it’s so understandable on how this hurt and grief is amplified even more for you. what are some ways you can find stability whether with your family grieving alongside you or with yourself? sending you so much comfort and love through this difficult time.

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No matter where we are or the physical distance from our loved ones, it doesn’t change the real connection and love we have for each other. It’s hard knowing you’re not by their side or by your family’s side while going through loss and grief. I do hope you feel supported as well. I know the strong urge to want to be there for others and help them through a time of trauma and loss, but you also deserve that support.
I hope you make as much contact as you need with your family and also lean on close friends during this time.


Hey Friend, I am so sorry for all that you have been through, I cannot imagine all that loss. As we go through life we inevitabley are going to lose loved ones but no one expects that amount of loss one after another. It is perfectly valid for you to feel the way you do and would be understandable if you were not coping at all, Have you considered grief councelling at all to try to manage all of this?? I hope you have people around you that love and support you during this time and moving forward and that life gets easier with the displacement and grief becoming loving memories of those you have lost. sending love your way. Lisa x


Being the youngest of parents that were the youngest; I know there was a point where I felt similar. And the inevitable changes and uncertainties that go along with that.

Take care and there is nothing wrong with having feelings. Best on your journey.


It must be very hard for you to not be with family and friends during these loses, I’m so very sorry you’ve had to go thru it alone so far away. I hope that you can connect with people at some point to talk and I wonder if there are support groups for grieving where you live. Sometimes having people around who are experiencing similar things helps. Take care!

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@heartsupport thanks, Taylor! Yeah it’s been a weird and complicated time for sure. @silentplanetband / @silentgarrett lyrics in Second Sun (and the record as a whole) and @tdwpband ‘s newest record have both been places of solace in all the mess​:black_heart::metal:t4:

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