Been to 4 different therapist and been on and off

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Been to 4 different therapist and Been on and off so many different meds and nether things really helped.

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Thank you for reaching out and sharing. Finding a therapist you can trust can be a long and frustrating process. It takes time to build a trusting relationship. I’m sorry you haven’t found one you trust yet. But that doesn’t mean the right one isn’t out there. You are obviously strong and have hope - even if it’s very small - because you kept trying. That’s so encouraging to me! You are a fighter and willing to do the work which is so often the most difficult part. But you are taking steps to get help and that’s huge! You are learning what works for you and what doesn’t and although that’s extremely frustrating and time consuming, it’s all steps towards finding answers. We are here for you! Don’t give up. Nothing worth doing is ever easy and I have hope that because of your persistence you will find what works for you and you will get better! You are so worth it! I’m rooting for you! You’ve got this!

@HeartSupport wow that’s truly makes me feel so much better thank you so much. Things are a struggle but I have been trying to be more positive and it’s hard. Been scheduling time off work here and there just to make myself feel better for my mental health. Trying not to beat myself up so much. Just trying to be ok with being alone and trying to enjoy that time. Was going through cerebral for therapy and meds but $365 a month is crazy and my hsa could cover all of it and my insurance wasn’t either so therefore I’m not in therapy nor am I on medication.