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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling in Reverse Popular Monster
being broken is all I can do now, I know nobody will see this but I guess I’m beyond help
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Falling in Reverse Popular Monster
being broken is all I can do now, I know nobody will see this but I guess I’m beyond help
Hi! I see you!!
I want you to know that you are not beyond help. Being broken doesn’t mean you cannot get fixed
For me it means you’re human, and right now, you’re carrying more than anyone should have to carry alone.
But even in such difficult spot , there is a part of you that’s still fighting—just by sharing this. You deserve love, compassion, and healing. You have some sort of strength, power, need to get in better state that caused you to say out loud here how do you feel. To my that part shows you still fight, that you know what you need and asking others to be seen is one of the steps you are taking
It seems like no one can see or understand your pain, but there are people around who care, who want to support you and to show that you are not alone in your struggles. You are not invisible and you emotions are valid. We don’t have to be perfect to be validated, we can be just fine, or in bad spot, yet still be valued for who we are, for what makes us human.
You are far from beyond help:heart:, and you are not alone.
You may feel broken, but you’re NOT beyond repair! Coping and healing is not too far out of reach for anyone, especially not you. Just by typing this I can see you reaching out for help, and we’re here for you!!!
You are more than what others say or think of you, and worth more than your thoughts or feelings. You are a wonderfully and fearfully made human being, full of life and potential. You have ideas and words you have yet to share with others, there are lives that haven’t had the chance to encounter you yet, and to be affected by your presence.
When most people see something broken, the easy thing to do would be give up and throw it away. But others would take the time to repair the cracks, breaks and bends and make it brand new again. That’s what you deserve to feel my friend: brand new.
Just speaking out and putting your thoughts into words and sharing them is seeking help! And we’re here for you!! Speaking your truth is a step in the right direction to healing, and you are heard!
You are SO loved my friend. You are not alone.
~ Pen