Bipolar disorder is my crown when i am manic i beh

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Belongs to: Therapist rates the Prequel by Falling In Reserve
Bipolar disorder is my crown, when I am manic I behave like Ronnie does, egoistical, creative, hypocritical, inspirational, everyone loves me, when I am depressed I hate every ounce of who I am, honestly believing that I am a waste of air with less worth than an insect, then I hate my self-more for acting so pitiful… there is never an in between, I fully envy those around me so much that I resent others… but I believe that we all carry our crowns… sometimes that helps.

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Hi friend, I really feel for you. Highs and lows like that can be exhausting. I think it is helpful to hear others on the same “roller coaster”. At least for me, it helps me to not have that painful resentment stuff on top of everything else. Keep your head up. You are not alone!


I wanted to thank you for being so open about the way Bipolar disorder tends to impact your life. I hear you and am rooting for you! We do all carry our crowns and you’re taking a major step in helping yourself by just acknowledging yours.

Sending love,