Book about euthanasia makes me scared.... tw: death, euthanasia, suicide

If you are easily triggered by death, euthanasia, or suicide, please don’t read further.

In a few days, there will be a book coming out here. It’s about a well known person here who has been struggling with their mental health and has decided that in a few years he will go through the euthanasia route. And… I’m scared about what the impact of that book will be.
This book will start the conversation about euthanasia again. And it will definitely start up the conversation about mental suffering and euthanasia. Right now, the law states 6 diligences which have to be followed before a doctor is allowed to help with this, but the one that is the least measurable in mental health cases is number 2: “Hopeless and unbearable suffering”. Also, there can’t be any more treatment options available anymore before a doctor is allowed to assist in someone’s death. And also people who have a psychiatric disorder are eligible to do it.
The reason I’m scared about this topic is being brought into the open, is because it will start up the conversation about euthanasia again. It will have people start thinking about doing that, instead of going to therapy, even though one of the diligences is “there must be no treatment options available anymore”. And that might actually lead to people starting to just take their own life instead of trying to get the help they actually need!
When I was working for the government, there were people who called in about euthanasia. Being upset at the answer I gave that the DOCTOR has the final say in whether or not someone is eligible. There have been more than enough people who told me that if the doctor wouldn’t help, they would just do it themselves and that society didn’t care whether they lived or died. All that was before it was openly discussed in the media… Now imagine if it’s someone, who doesn’t read the book but is also struggling mentally, sees that “this well known person is going to do it”, then so can I. I mean… I’ve been in that dark place where there is ‘Hopeless and unbearable suffering’ and it feels like ‘there are no treatment options available’. And if I’m completely honest, I’m still not in love with life even though I’ve done therapy for x years… If that book would’ve come out during that time, I probably wouldn’t have read it and jumped to the conclusions that we all can jump to from the headlines… and probably not be here anymore…
I don’t know what to do with this… all of this… I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to change things, and I honestly just feel helpless…

FYI: I’m not against euthanasia. It’s a humane way to end suffering for people who are for so long with no end of that suffering in sight.


Nyntje, I hope that my words don’t and will never disrupt the power of yours, I just wanted to come along side you because from reading your post, it is something that is and can be very real and devastate many people who are already at the end of their tether.

My hope is that there are people like yourself who have a deep empathy and shared experience who help those hurting souls feel less alone. Who make an impact on the ones who need to hear the important words of hope.

I appreciate you bringing a light to these topics.


hey nyn!

thank you for being here and sharing something that is so important to this community. your thoughts and concerns are valid and i feel that same fear of the conversations and even decisions this book may provide a platform for. the main hope that burns bright in my own mind is that there are people in the world like you who is a champion for improving one’s mental health journey and overcoming obstacles. there are people who continue to encourage and lift each other up on the worst of days. the conversations we may hear about euthanasia will no doubt be shattering but it’s hearts like yours that makes me feel hopeful still. we only hold so much power especially in big decisions like this but with the power we do have, we can spread the love, encouragement, and support even to strangers on the sidewalk. i’m really glad you’re here, nyn, and i appreciate all of the energy and time you’ve put into being here today. let’s continue to do our best to care for ourselves and others to ensure we all have brighter tomorrows. hope you can do something kind for yourself soon, my friend, you deserve it.


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Hi friend,
I want to start off by saying thank you for raising awareness of this topic. I was not aware of the extent of this topic until I read your post. So I want to thank you for educating me about the dangers and risks of euthanasia. I think that in whatever ways you can, if you can help spread awareness about this topic, just like you did in this post, it would help bring more about more understanding to the topic. Even if only a few people become aware, you are still doing what you can to bring about positive change and help people realize that there are other options they should consider. People like you are real-life superheroes. Thank you for looking out for others.

  • Star :slight_smile:

Hello there friend!

Thank you so much for coming here to heart support. This is a topic that needs some thought, attention, and love. I really appreciate your knowledge, as euthanasia is a topic I’m not too familiar with. Your passion and care for this topic is going to start more conversations for the better. I know it will start more healthy conversations about the topic. As we cannot control the actions of others, we can do our best to help educate and care for those around us. Just as you have done for us today. I really appreciate you, and for shedding some light. I know this is a hard and scary, and thats what we’re here for. To help each other navigate these moments and times. Thank you for reaching out. We appreciate you, and we love you.


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