Call out for work today

It may be something little, but kinda gotten little better at my DBT skills. I forgot my meds today, but I was able to be kinda efficient. Took the day off from work for a dental appointment, and for DBT group. But unfortunately it got canceled, so I wasted a sick day. Wish I just came to work late.

But I did do a lot, did laundry, work on my guitar skills, did the thrash, figure my situation for my jam space. I was getting bored at my apartment, so got food, then decided to go to skateboarding.

I’m feeling less guilty doing thing for my myself, I use to feel like an assholr for calling out of work. My boss is going be up my ass( but there was nothing going on at work) and I have get my teeth fix. But fuck him, because he a lazy asshole.

Also, if they want to replace they won’t think twice about it, even thou I work my ass off.

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Sometimes it’s good to take a day off for yourself, it sounds as though even though it didn’t go as planned with the DBT meeting being cancelled you will still were productive and able to get a lot of things done! Sometimes one just needs a mental health day:)

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