Can't seem to get past this pain

I feel like a broken record when I say this first part bc I have posted about this many times bfor so gonna try to keep the first part short.

As many of u probably know from previous posts my mom has said and done some things that weren’t so nice. They have hurt me to the point of breaking down and crying sometimes. Some days I can handle it fine, others I just can’t. Today is seemingly one of my bad days.

Here recently I’ve started having what I call “night time anxiety” which means I will either have an anxiety attack right bfor I go to sleep, or I will wake up in the middle of the night with one. I also noticed that it’s been a bit easier for me to get upset and cry. For example, I had my first anger explosion in YEARS the other day. All bc me and my sister were talking about how to assess my cats situation and she wanted it her way. I also find myself getting into these states where I get this strong urge to just cry for no reason. That’s how I’m feeling today…I want to cry and never stop… I really want to just get through this pain, but it’s so hard to…


I’m so sorry, friend, that your family situation is one that makes things harder. It must be pretty rough to have to try to manage your emotions all the time around them.

Do you do any sot of coping skills or learnt any tricks that could help you take a moment before you react?

I’m truly sorry that you’ve been in this same situation for so long. We don’t mind if you have to vent about the same situation multiple times- that’s literally what we’re all here for! To be here when you need a safe space to open up. Please never feel badly about that!!

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I have a couple stress balls that I sometimes use. I also try to step away when I feel my self getting too angry, but they don’t always allow me to do that…

From: ᏒᎧᏕᎥᏋ (Discord)

Hello Andy, I’m sorry you’re having so much anxiety and pain. Have you ever tried doing meditation before you go to bed? Something to relax your mind, so you can sleep peacefully. There are technics like mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises you could try. There are apps you can put on your phone to help guide you if you need help too. I think if you could learn some coping skills it might help you a lot. If you want help finding something, let me know and I’ll drop some recourses here for you. You don’t have to suffer from anxiety, you can get a hold of it with the right tools. ~Mystrose


From: crazytrain116 (Discord)

I’m sorry to hear about how in pain you are my friend. Have you given thought to try to do some mindfulness stuff before bed such as meditation or progressive muscle relaxation? I know those things don’t work for everyone as I can attest to even for myself, but that could be a place to start. Have you sought out a good therapist potentially? I had issues with my own mother and worked some of the stuff out related to her there. Hold fast though my friend we’re here for you and care for you always. All the best crazytrain116/Evan


From: Lisalovesfeathers (Discord)

Hey Andy Thanks for your post. I want to focus on your night time anxiety attacks because I think the fear of them, lack of sleep etc could be going a long way to causing the feelings during the day of wanting to cry all the time so lets do that. The only think I can think of is preparing yourself before going to bed, if you can calm yourself and not be worked up fearing an attack you may be less likely to have one. You could start by maybe a having a hot bath or shower then relaxing to some music, I also like to listed to ocean sounds on youtube, it can be anything that you think will relax you. Once you find something to relax your mind, I think you will sleep better and not feel so tired during the day and hopefully not feel so tearful. I want you to feel better friend. Much Love Lisa


Hey @Andy,

I’m so sorry that your are going through such a rough time. The process of remembering these painful memories is an intense one. It shakes the way you might have perceived your mom, the relationship you have, but also your story as a whole. Parents are supposed to provide safety and nurture us as we grow up, not to instill a sense of fear and hurt.

When I started to remember past memories of abuse in my family, I felt the range of emotions you describe here, and also had my share of “night time anxiety”. Waking up distressed and panicked without having the time to understand what was going on is something I’m not ready to forget. Right now, Andy, there is this huge pack of emotions that have been waiting for a long time to be felt. It’s brutal, tough, heartbreaking, but I can assure you that it does get better with time. There will be a time of relief for you, even though right now it certainly feels like you’re enduring a lot of emotions at once.

You are starting to acknowledge a pain that was probably very present but silent throughout the years. Unfortunately, having just a bandaid on a deep wound is not sustainable in the long run. Although true healing is possible through all of this, as your heart is grieving for the child you were and for the needs that should have been met before.

If you can, when you feel these intense emotions dragging you, try to slow down a little, to name them, to see if it manifests anywhere in your body, and to treat yourself as you would do with a dear friend or a younger sibling. The vulnerability and hurt you couldn’t express before needs to be cared for, and it can go a long way through little acts of self-care.

As for the night time anxiety, I would encourage you to create your very own toolbox made of things that generally help to soothe you, to make you feel calm or remind you that you are safe. To me, it was a stuffed animal, earbuds and my phone with relaxing music on it, a little note to myself as a needed reminder, a little box of body creamwith a scent of lavender. Overal, things that helped me use my senses in order to calm down. I would also often try to picture myself, while laying down on the bed, as if my body was getting lighter and lighter, while to focus on each of my muscles being more and more relaxed. It takes practice to make your mind associate a certain action to something that could be quickly soothing, but it’s really worth it to keep trying whenever you need it.

Through all of this, make sure tokeep reaching out, to keep welcoming these emotions safely. This pain that you feel has a reason to be there, and by acknowledging it as you’ve been doing for a while now, you are going to empower yourself more and more. At first it is thisweird shape that seems to come from nowhere and bring a deep sense of distress. With time, you learn to see its subtleties, to be more familiar with it, and to not be controlled by it.

You will be okay Andy. We’re in this with you too. :hrtlegolove:

PS - I am far from being talented when it comes to drawing, but I’ve tried to do this little thing for you this morning. The blank space is for you to add an affirmation/positive reminder of your choice. I hope this would bring a little bit of peace and safety to your heart when you might need it.

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Thank u so much for the drawing. It is greatly appreciated. Below is what I decided to add for my reminder.

Will do my absolute best to keep reaching out as I seem to feel much better after successfully doing so and have been helped. I do appreciate u guys being there for me even though I’m just someone on the internet behind a screen. I’m happy my friend found this place for me as it does give me somewhere else to vent besides his discord server. :joy: U guys r definitely doing great at what u do here, definitely keep up the good work.


Below is what I decided to add for my reminder.

That is an amazing choice! You are so loved, friend. I hope you never lose sight of this. We are vey blessed by your presence too. :hrtlegolove:

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