Can't Stop Eating

I legit can’t stop eating. No matter if I’m hungry or not, I have the urge to stuff food into me at almost every second of the day. Then I feel the urge to make myself sick and then I have bad thoughts such as I’m such a piece of shit and that I’m such a big fat ugly loser who has nothing better to do than to shove food down my fucking throat. I think my ED is getting worse. I was making such good progress than all of a sudden, I notice this behaviour acting up again. I’m just about to say fuck it and to eat until I burst. I’m so fed up of living like this.


Hi @SageTheSpirit,

The HeartSupport Houston team responded to your post here. We hope our words and presence help and support you through this.

Hold Fast and lean on our community friend.

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Thank you so much for the video, this helped tremendously. In regards to the books you were mentioning, can I learn more about them?

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Hi @SageTheSpirit,

I think in the video I said that the book was new - it was actually released in 2014 - here it is. I haven’t read it personally, but it comes highly recommended. I do agree with the title!

  • John
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