
Hi there.

So, if you read the title, you must be wondering: “… What?” Let me explain a little bit.
Recently, the tree right next to my apartment became infested with caterpillars. So many in fact, that they started to climb up and reached all the way to the window sill outside of the kitchen (I live on the fourth floor and that’s pretty damn impressive for some bugs.)

Sometimes, I’ll spot a few of these little bugs (a type of common cabbage butterfly grubs?), I’d bring them inside for a bit, then release them back outside. There’s just something about keeping a caterpillar around that makes you feel like a kid again. I even kept one for the entire night, because I discovered that these little bugs also ‘sleep’ (stay dormant for big periods of time.)

I thought that by posting this little spiel, it would help some cheer up on this platform. This little thing did make me pretty happy, as I love animals and keeping pets around.

Hoped this brought a smile to someone out there :orange_heart:. Goodbye, for now.


Thank you! It really did bring back childhood memories-the more pleasant ones.

Aww, absolutely loved reading this. Carterpillars are the cutest. It must have been adorable to see them “dormant” too. I did not know about it and am def. sharing your spirit there when it comes to bugs of all kind. :hrttaylove:

It’s so important to find joy in simple things, to take our time, and nature reminds us of it all the time. Thank you for sharing this precious spark of life here. <3

Thank you for sharing this! It brought joy to my morning here as I read this. Finding joy in simple things and being in touch with nature and enjoying it’s diversity and beauty is healing and wonderful. Thank you again for the smiles.

From natetriesagain: I love this Cora - there’s something beautiful about connecting with things that are REAL and that help us touch that sense of wonder and awe and joy that we were abundant with as kids but need reconnecting with as adults

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From Cora gotta get a noble peace prize or smt, helped me through some shit fr


Agreed! @Cora is a blessing!

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Well, since you all liked this post so much… I have another story.

A few days ago, I was outside after taking out the trash. And I decided to hang around my apartment for a bit.

While I was walking around, I saw some stray cats playing with something. When I checked to see what it was, I realised it was a grasshopper they were messing with. I then stop the strays to hold the bug in my hands.

I brought it inside for it to recover from the probably traumatic experience. And I gotta tell you, it was a pretty big grasshopper (about a centimeter tall in height.) I kept it around for the rest of the evening, just as a little bug friend. I named it Penta, due to it missing one of it’s back legs.

But when it got late and I went to sleep, I heard Penta starting to fly around my bedroom. It was very dark out, and I was the only one still awake in my house. I started to get worried that because of this, it would mess up my sleep schedule and daily routine If I were to keep them for longer.

So, I opened the window and let Penta fly into the night. I will forever miss them, and the pictures I got with Penta will always remind me of this wholesome moment.

Anyways, thank you so much for the love on this topic. I very much appreciate your nice comments.:yellow_heart: