Cheering you up

This is Fondant.

He is a caramel lizard from a game I really enjoy (and will be getting soon on my birthday.) He’s like a comfort pet; a chonky creature that I think about to help me feel less overwhelmed in certain situations. And he has a little message to those that see this topic:

It’s okay. No matter what you’re going through, just know that there are people that want to help. That others want to listen to your story, and offer some advice for a possible recovery.
Just hang in there a little longer. Sit down, have a snack, drink some water, take whatever medicine you need to take. And have a moment to clear your mind.

You’re not alone on this platform. :orange_heart:


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Hi again.

I felt like doing a small update here, since I got some spare time and felt like spending it here.

So, how about we have a small chat, eh? I’ll start first;

I’ve been doing well since school started. I’ve gotten used to using the bus to get to my temporary school everyday, and this year is looking slightly more brighter. It might get harder in the future, sure, but I’ll try and enjoy how it is right now.

And what about you? How has your day been going so far? You don’t need to reply of course, but it might just help to get something off your chest every now and then.

Anyways, I hope you’re doing okay. I’ll always be here to listen if something is going on, whether it be serious or just a quick talk.

Have a nice rest of your day.


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This is beautiful Cora <3


Hey that’s great! I remember how the beginning of school felt for me each year - kind of a mix between excitement and fear. My favorite part was the new things (new pencils, new notebooks). I would usually spend some time before the first day of school decorating these my own way and be in a “DIY” frenzy. :joy:

It’s amazing that you seem to take it one day at a time, and make sure to embrace the quiet/peace that is present right now. Regardless of what the future holds, it’s always nice to acknowledge when everything is okay.

And what about you? How has your day been going so far? You don’t need to reply of course, but it might just help to get something off your chest every now and then.

Things have been quite rough/challenging emotionally - navigating a bit of a depression hurdle here, but trying to take it one day at a time, and taking care of myself as possible. It’s sunny out there today, so thinking of having a long walk somewhere. There was already a little highlight to the day this morning with an eurasian blue tit that stopped at the window to rest for a bit. :feather:

May your weekend be a good one, @Cora!

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From shp.dqw: Hi, Cora.

You’re an amazing artist and I hope things continue to go well in your day to day life<3

Sincerely, Shadow


Hi there,

I just want to take a moment to acknowledge how incredible this art and encouragement is. You have so much attention to detail in the art and I love the shadowing and style of this character. I’ve also seen all you do on this platform, and your responses and encouragement are consistently extraordinary. Truly, it’s an honor to have you on this platform and all you do is much appreciated. Thank you.

It’s also good to hear that school is going well; I know there was a bit of apprehension about the temporary school situation so it’s good to hear that things seem to be okay in that area.

And what about you? How has your day been going so far? You don’t need to reply of course, but it might just help to get something off your chest every now and then.

I’m doing well – things have been good in my world!

I’m wishing you all the best, Cora, and thank you again for all you do for this community.


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Hello Cora,

Fondant looks so adorable Thank you for sharing it with us !! I relate to it as I find comfort in my plushies and when I say plushies I mean thousands of plushies. I am so glad for your support which will help bring comfort to not only me but other people who come across this post.

As for my day it’s going well, nothing to get off my chest though but it’s good to know that when I do want small talk amazing people like you are here for me!
Good to hear to know about your day as well and its great that it is going better and if you ever feel like its not know that support goes both ways and that we are here for you.

Sending my love to you and Fondant,
