Compass Results

Last night in an attempt to be more proactive in my recovery I filled out the compass survey and it seems like I’m doing a bit better than I realized. Most of my workers etc are off for the holiday but I’ve progressed so much the last few months. I’ve gone back on the meds I went off without realizing, my apartment is cleaner than it’s been in recent memory (even though there’s still very far to go). I’ve been much better about not spending money on fast food and have been cooking at home more, eating more regularly and drinking more water. Admittedly, I’m still feeling very lost in a lot of ways but I’m no longer feeling as hopless as I was a year ago. I’m so thankful I found my way back to this community. Thank you.


Every step forward is a step in the right direction, and before you know it, little achievements turn into big accomplishments. I’m proud of you for the progress you are making. That’s awesome! <3

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This is tremendous progress, @teknicolourful, and such significant steps that you’ve been taking. Overall a great great dose of self-care, of treating yourself well - both in body and mind. That is absolutely amazing, and a strong foundation to give you strength on your own healing path. Thank you so much for taking the time to share this, and for being connected with this community throughout this journey of yours. I’m so proud of you and of the way you keep showing up for yourself. :heart:


Thank you,

This time last year I was in a severe and angry depression, although it was a rollercoaster of a year and I’m very unhappy with how I reacted in certain environments and situations I really have come a long way. One of the key elements of this is now having a case manager that can sort of accompany me to appointments and help me keep track of things. What I’m working on is still able to make small steps forward with her around, even when an episode derails me for a little while. I also learned from my mistake last time and was more proactive in finding alternative care for while my regular therapist is on maternity leave.

I’ve got some pests in my apartment and have to wait for the new year for treatment, when I was cleaning yesterday I noticed that the population has gone down. Cleaning regularly has always been challenging for me, and I’m so proud of myself for being able to stick with it to the point of making a difference in that way.

Thanks so much for all of the encouragement.

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